Xerxes I
Historical Figure
Nationality: Persian Empire
Year of Birth: 519 BC
Year of Death: 465 BC
Cause of Death: Murder
Religion: Zoroastrianism
Occupation: Monarch of Persia and Egypt
Parents: King Darius I and Queen Atossa
Spouse: Amestris and others
Children: King Artaxerxes I
At least 10 others
Relatives: Dareios II (grandson)
House: Achaemenid
Fictional Appearances:
"Counting Potsherds"
POD: 483 BCE;
Relevant POD: 480 BCE
Type of Appearance: Posthumous reference (as "Khsrish the Conqueror")
Date of Death: Unrevealed
Occupation: King of Kings of Persia
Relatives: Marduniya, Khsrish IV, Kurash (descendants)

Xerxes I the Great (519–465 BC) became the Shahanshah (King of Kings) of the Achaemenid Persian Empire in 485 BC. Xerxes is the Greek form of the Persian Khashayar; he is also known in popular culture by his Hebrew name Ahasuerus. Xerxes sought to bring the various Greek city-states to heel, launching an invasion in 480 BC. Despite initially gaining the upper-hand, Xerxes' forces were eventually driven back by the Greeks, and Xerxes returned to Persia. He was murdered in 465 BC by one of his own generals.

Xerxes I in "Counting Potsherds"[]

Khsrish I the Conqueror was the King of Kings of Persia who conquered the Yauna and razed Athens, creating the greatest empire that the world had ever seen. Four centuries later, his descendant Khsrish IV attempted to capitalize on having this honored name, and sent the eunuch Mithredath to research important data regarding the original Khsrish.[1]


  1. See, e.g. Departures, pg. 6.
Royal offices
Preceded by
Darius I the Great
King of Kings (Shah) of Persia
Pharaoh of Egypt

485 BC – 465 BC
Succeeded by
Artaxerxes I
Regnal titles
(Counting Potsherds)
Preceded by
Darius I the Great
King of Kings (Shah) of Persia
485 BC-4?? BC
Succeeded by
next known is