William Croon
Historical Figure
Nationality: England
Year of Birth: 1633
Year of Death: 1684
Cause of Death: Natural causes
Religion: Anglicanism
Occupation: Physician, scientist, Author of Non-Fiction
Spouse: Mary Lorymer
Professional Affiliations: Rota Club
Fictional Appearances:
A Different Flesh
POD: C. 2.5-1.3 million years ago;
Relevant POD: c. 1492
Appearance(s): "And So To Bed"
Type of Appearance: Direct

Dr. William Croone (or Croon) (15 September 1633 - 12 October 1684) was an English physician. In addition to being one of the Founders of the Royal Society. He was a member of the Rota Club, and so presumably believed strongly in the principles of democracy. He is referenced several times by Samuel Pepys in his diary.

William Croon in A Different Flesh[]

Dr. William Croon was a member of the Rota Club. At a dinner attended by Samuel Pepys on May 10, 1661, Croon refuted Cyriack Skinner's assertion that the sims had been created by the Devil.[1]


  1. See e.g. Kaleidoscope, pg. 5, mpp.