Werner Heisenberg (5 December 1901 – 1 February 1976) was a German theoretical physicist who made foundational contributions to quantum mechanics and is best known for asserting the uncertainty principle of quantum theory.
The German nuclear energy project, also known informally as the Uranium Club, began in 1939 under the auspices of the German Ordnance Office. In 1942, control of the project was relinquished to the Reich Research Council. After World War II, Heisenberg was detained by the Allied Forces. He subsequently was returned to civilian life, becoming an opponent of the nuclear armament of West Germany.
Werner Heisenberg (1901-1946) was one of nine German scientists captured by the Allies at the end of World War II. He was taken to Britain for interrogation in 1945, and returned to Germany in 1946. He and the other scientists were held in Alswede.[1] In a daring raid led personally by Reinhard Heydrich, the German Freedom Front kidnapped the physicists. Unfortunately, Heisenberg was accidentally shot in the head by one of Heydrich's men.[2]
Werner Heisenberg (1901-1943) led Germany'satomic bomb program in Hechingen during the war againstthe Race. He initially escaped death when he was outside of Berlin the day the Race destroyed it with an explosive-metal bomb,[3] While he and his team initially made great progress with a quantity of plutonium obtained by Heinrich Jäger,[4] it fell to disaster when the atomic pile they were working on melted down after Heisenberg took the pile over critical, and Heisenberg was killed.[5]. Direction of the project was taken over by Heisenberg's rival, Kurt Diebner, whose work ultimately allowed Germany to build atomic bombs and thus survive the war against the Race.[6]
A statue of Heisenberg stood at Friedrich Wilhelm University. Designed by Hitler's favorite sculptor Arno Breker, the statue was a highly idealized, heroic Aryan depiction of the less-than-imposing Heisenberg.[8]
Werner Heisenberg was an Alemanian thaumaturge who coined the famous Thaumaturgic Principle: "the mere act of observation magically affects that which is being observed."[9]