Vuk Nedic
Fictional Character
Every Inch a King
Type of Appearance: Direct
Nationality: Vlachia
Species: Werewolf
Occupation: Nobleman, Diplomat

Grand Boyar Vuk Nedic was the Vlachian ambassador to Shqiperi. A fearsome man in a wolf-skin coat, he made threatening ultimata to "King Halim Eddin" (in fact Otto of Schlepsig) regarding Vlachia's territorial demands, which could be backed up by the support of Tver.

Otto believed that Nedic was a werewolf, and put this theory to the test. When Nedic made a statement of diplomatic flattery, Otto offered Nedic a coin as a goodwill gesture, tossing a Schlepsigian kram made of silver in his direction. Rather than pick up the coin directly, Nedic used a pair of thick goat-skin gloves to handle it. This circumstantial evidence confirmed Otto's hypothesis in his own mind.

Literary comment[]

Vuk is the common word for wolf in Serbo-Croatian. It is a common given name among Serbs and other Slavic peoples.
