US Vice President Seal

The Vice President of the United States (VPOTUS) is the second-highest position in the executive branch of the United States of America, after the President. The executive power of both the vice president and the president is granted under Article Two, Section One of the Constitution. The vice president is indirectly elected, together with the president, to a four-year term of office by the people of the United States through the Electoral College. The vice president is the first person in the presidential line of succession, and would normally ascend to the presidency upon the death, resignation, or removal of the president. This had been established by statute, based on the ambiguous wording of Article II, Section 1, Clause 6 of the Constitution, until ratification of the Twenty-fifth Amendment, which specifies the vice president as the successor to the president, and establishes the procedure for filling a vacancy in the vice presidency.

The vice president is also president of the United States Senate and in that capacity only votes when it is necessary to break a tie. Additionally, pursuant to the Twelfth Amendment, the vice president presides over the joint session of Congress when it convenes to count the vote of the Electoral College.

Thanks to a number of changes in the nomination and election processes throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, there have been more vice presidents (49) than presidents (46) in OTL. While John Adams served two consecutive terms under George Washington (1789-1797), this pattern would not be re-established until the 20th century. Conversely, George Clinton and John C. Calhoun each served under two separate presidents, although neither completed their second term (Clinton died, Calhoun became the first VP to resign). Seven vice presidents have predeceased their respective presidents. Nine ascended to the presidency. Only two, Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller, have been appointed under the Twenty-fifth Amendment.

This article lists the known vice presidents found in the works of Harry Turtledove after the Point of Divergence in alternate history, or known vice presidents found in works set in hypothetical futures. Vice presidents who served before the POD of a given alternate history that are mentioned in passing do not need to be listed here. Stories set in OTL may reference past vice presidents, or even the sitting vice president, but unless the individual's role is specifically fictionalized within the story, they do not belong here.

  Republican       Democratic       Socialist     

"The Breaking of Nations"[]

Upon the death of President Donald Trump in 2024, Vice President Mike Pence ascended to the presidency. He went on to win in his own right in 2024 and 2028.

Vice President Term Party President
48 Mike Pence MikePence 2017-2024 Republican Donald Trump
49 Lindsey Graham LindseyGraham 2024-2033 Republican Mike Pence

Literary Comment[]

"The Breaking of Nations" ends in 2031. In "The Purloined Republic", James Morrow's contribution to And the Last Trump Shall Sound, we learn that Pence worked around the Twenty-second Amendment by running as Vice President on the bottom of the ticket with Devin Nunes in 2032. Shortly after being sworn in as the 47th President of the United States, Nunes resigned, and Pence became the 48th President. Incidentally, Pence also briefly served as the 50th Vice President of the United States, and was succeeded by Rick Santorum. Lindsey Graham's fate is unrevealed. As Turtledove did not participate in writing Morrow's work, this wiki will not incorporate further information from that story.

The Guns of the South[]

Vice President Term Party President
15 Hannibal Hamlin Hamlin 1861-1865 Republican Abraham Lincoln
16 Clement Vallandigham Vallandigham 1865-
Incumbent at novel's end, 1868
Democratic Horatio Seymour

Southern Victory[]

Vice President Term Party President
15 Hannibal Hamlin Hamlin 1861-1865 Republican Abraham Lincoln
16-? Unknown 1865-1881 Democratic Various
Unknown 1881-1885 Republican James G. Blaine
Unknown 1885-1913 Democratic Various
Walter McKenna[1] Nophoto 1913-1921 Democratic Theodore Roosevelt
Hosea Blackford Nophoto 1921-1929 Socialist Upton Sinclair
Hiram Johnson HiramJohnson 1929-1933 Socialist Hosea Blackford
Vacancy[2] 1933-1937 Herbert Hoover
Charles W. La Follette Nophoto 1937-1942 Socialist Al Smith
(Died in office)
Vacancy[3] 1942-1945 Charles W. La Follette
Harry Truman HarryTruman 1945-
Incumbent at series' end
Democratic Thomas Dewey
  1. The identity of Roosevelt's Vice President is the center of an inconsistency on Turtledove's part.
  2. President-Elect Calvin Coolidge died before he was sworn in. His Vice-President Elect, Herbert Hoover, was sworn in as president. There was no mechanism for replacing the VP.
  3. President Al Smith was killed during a Confederate aerial bombing raid, and Charles W. La Follette ascended to the Presidency. There was no mechanism for replacing the VP.


Only two Vice Presidents were identified in Worldwar:

  • Wallace

Henry Wallace (Democratic) served under President Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1941 until his death in a bombing raid in 1944.

  • Stassen

Harold Stassen (Republican) served under President Earl Warren from 1961 until his ascension to the presidency in 1965.

Other Vice Presidents[]

The following vice presidents served in the context of a Turtledove work, along with their presidents.

John C. Breckinridge is James Buchanan's lame-duck VP for part of "Lee at the Alamo", though he's only referenced indirectly.

In addition to his above roles, Hannibal Hamlin is Abraham Lincoln's vice president in "Must and Shall" from March 1861 until July 1864, when he succeeds at Lincoln's death. None of his successors are named.

Calvin Coolidge plays a background role as president in the State of Jefferson Stories, implicitly having been Warren G. Harding's VP as in OTL.

John Nance Garner appears in Joe Steele, both the novel and the short story, as Joe Steele's VP from 1933 until ascending to the presidency in 1953. The office remains vacant for the rest of the novel. In The War That Came Early, Garner is VP during Franklin D. Roosevelt's first two terms, though he is referenced indirectly. The VP in FDR's third term is unnamed.

In addition to the above, Henry Wallace plays an important role in "News From the Front" as Franklin D. Roosevelt's VP, and is probably on the verge of ascending to the presidency when Congress begins the process of impeaching Roosevelt at the end of the story in 1942. 

Alben Barkley is Harry Truman's vice president in The Hot War until he is killed by an atomic bomb in May 1952. The office remains vacant for the rest of the series.

Richard Nixon is Dwight Eisenhower's vice president in "Hindsight," set in 1953. He plays a background role as president in the State of Jefferson Stories; implicitly he held the vice presidency before this, as the relevant POD does not seem to have affected either office.

Hubert Humphrey is referenced as Lyndon Johnson's vice president in "The Fillmore Shoggoth", set in H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. His connection to the story's speculative elements is only broadly hinted at.

Gerald Ford is Richard Nixon's VP in Three Miles Down until he ascends on August 9, 1974, as in OTL. Ford's VP is unnamed.

Michael Bennet appears in "Election Day" as John F. Kennedy Jr.'s VP-elect on November 8, 2016.

In Supervolcano: All Fall Down, set in a post-2010 "near future," an unnamed Vice President makes a brief appearance. This person shares a few characteristics with Joe Biden, who held the office at the time of publication. His president is not described in any detail.

In Alpha and Omega, set in a post-2019 "near future," an unnamed vice president appears. Neither he nor his president is described in any detail.

Historical Vice Presidents in Non-Vice Presidential Roles[]

Some Harry Turtledove timelines include appearances by individuals who were vice president in OTL, but not within the work.

John Adams is referenced in The Two Georges as a subject of the North American Union.

Andrew Johnson appears in "Must and Shall" in his OTL role as Military Governor of Tennessee. There is no indication that he was ever VP. In The Guns of the South, Johnson runs for VP on the Radical Republican ticket in 1864, but loses.

Theodore Roosevelt is a major character in Southern Victory, where he is elected president for two full terms of his own, rather than starting out as an "accidental president" as in OTL. It is unrevealed whether he was VP before he became president.

Calvin Coolidge, appears in American Empire as Governor of Massachusetts. He is elected president but dies before taking that office, and never served as VP.

Henry Wallace has a background role in Settling Accounts: Return Engagement as Secretary of the Interior. The series ends before he can run for VP.

Richard Nixon has small roles in The Two Georges (as a used car salesman), Colonization: Second Contact (as a Congressman), Settling Accounts: The Grapple (as a soldier), Joe Steele (as an Assistant Attorney General), and The Hot War: Armistice as a Senator, but it is never suggested that he became VP in any of these.

Hubert Humphrey appears in The Man With the Iron Heart as the Mayor of Minneapolis, and is referenced obliquely in American Empire: The Victorious Opposition as a pharmacist; both timelines end before he has had a chance to seek higher office. Humphrey is also referenced directly in Colonization: Down to Earth as a candidate for president in 1964, but it is never suggested that he ever became VP in that timeline. In The Hot War: Fallout, Humphrey in his OTL role as a U.S. Senator, is killed during the course of World War III in May 1952.

George H.W. Bush is obliquely referenced in "Bedfellows" as someone whom the main characters are on their way to meet. None of his political offices are referenced. As the story is a mildly surreal satire, taking the plot literally is probably not the best approach to the material.

See Also[]
