
Ukmergė (Latin: Vilkomiria, Polish: Wiłkomierz, Russian: Вилькомир, Yiddish: ווילקאמיר‎ Vilkomir) is a city in Vilnius County, Lithuania, located 78 km (48 mi) northwest of Vilnius.

Ukmerge in The Hot War[]

During the Lithuanian uprising against the Soviet Union that began at the end of World War III, Ukmerge was secured quickly by the Red Army. However, the countryside belong to the bandits, and travel outside Ukmerge (or any town) was dangerous. In October 1952, a Soviet truck convoy carrying supplies from Vilnius to Ukmerge came to grief near the village of Pabaiskas.[1]


  1. Armistice, pgs. 348-353, ebook.