Titus Hackett
Fictional Character
The Two Georges
POD: c. 1763
Type of Appearance: Direct
Nationality: North American Union
Date of Birth: 20th century
Occupation: Printer, Businessman

Titus Hackett and his business partner Franklin Mansfield were printers in New Liverpool, North American Union. In 1994, the two were charged with printing and distributing an obscene publication: a lampoon of the marital troubles of the grandchildren of George, Duke of Kent. However, a jury had acquitted the two of the charges.

Colonel Thomas Bushell reviewed their file after the theft of The Two Georges from the Upper California governor's mansion in 1995. He found it interesting that they had managed to afford to print a large number of pamphlets and distribute them widely because they had a goodly supply of Russian gold roubles. At the time that Hackett and Mansfield had been charged, the Russian gold meant little since it was not illegal to possess it. Putting it together with the Russian rifle which had killed "Honest" Dick, Bushell thought the two should be investigated.

The next day, Bushell, along with a warrant and two squads of RAMs arrived at Hackett's establishment. He was a scrawny, bald, white man with a marked dislike of the RAM and the British Empire, likening the former to Tsarist Cossacks. The RAMs searched the printers and Clarence Malmsey discovered an invoice for seven hundred gold roubles from the Queen Charlotte Islands Board of Tourism. There was no material for a QCI tourism brochure in the file. What was in the same file, was an eight-by-ten glossy photograph of a Saxe-Coburg-Gotha prince's skinny, blonde, estranged wife frolicking nearly in the altogether on a tropical beach.

It appeared that Hackett and Mansfield were doing a follow-up to their previous lampoon. The RAMs searched further and found another folder with payment in roubles and a photograph of a second prince's wife with an even more scandalous reputation. However, they also found photographs and a rough layout of a tourism brochure for the Queen Charlotte Islands. Hackett claimed that the invoices were merely mis-filed. Given the previous acquittal, Bushell and the other RAMs left the printers without charging them with any crimes but suspicious that the two were Sons of Liberty.
