"The Haunted Bicuspid" is a fantasy short story by Harry Turtledove written specifically for the anthology The Enchanter Completed (Baen, 2005) which Turtledove also edited. This collection was dedicated to the memory of L. Sprague de Camp and contains stories of the type he might have written. It was reprinted in Reincarnations (Capclave, 2009).
This story concerns William Legrand who, after buying a round for his cronies and other patrons in George M.'s tavern in celebration, recounts the tale of woe and the happy conclusion to his latest dental problem.
The character George M. is named for Aloysius P. Cohan, the bartender from de Camp and Fletcher Pratt's Tales from Gavagan's Bar (1953), by way of historical composer George M. Cohan (1878-1942). Otherwise, the story contains no specific allusions to de Camp's work, but is jammed full of pastiche tributes to Edgar Allan Poe.