
Terranova was a continent in the western hemisphere. It was for all intents and purposes two large land masses connected by a narrow isthmus just north of the equator. It was bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Antarctic Ocean to the south, by the Hesperian Gulf to the northeast, and by Atlantic Ocean to the southeast. The Hesperian Gulf separated northern Terranova from Atlantis. In between the northern and southern halves was the Bay of Mexico, which contained several volcanic islands.

Humans had settled in Terranova for centuries. These copperskinned natives had a variety of cultures. In the southern half, the people were rich with gold. After Atlantis was discovered by Europeans in 1452, the Basques of Gernika sailed farther west and accidentally landed in southern Terranova.

Terranova's flora and fauna was much more like that of Europe's. This was especially true in the north. This stood in marked contrast to Atlantis, which had no human inhabitants, no viviparous quadrupeds save bats, and contained animals not quite like anything Europeans had ever seen.

Terranova's natural mineral resources, familiar flora and fauna and ready supply of human slave labor made it a popular destination for mercantilists. Soon, Spain, England, France and Holland had established settlements all along the east coast of Terranova.

In the 17th century, England, Holland and Atlantis participated in a joint effort to defeat the pirates based in the Atlantean settlement of Avalon. These pirates had been raiding the settlements of both continents. It was Red Rodney Radcliffe's raid on Nieuw Haarlem that proved to be the final straw, and saw the unification of traditional rivals England and Holland to route out the common enemy. This mission succeeded, and Terranova returned to business as usual.

The following century, war in Europe spread across the globe as Britain and Prussia went to war against France, Spain, Austria, and Russia. French and British possessions did battle in Atlantis and in Terranova. By the end of the war, France had been defeated and was pushed out of Terranova.

Fourteen years later, the Atlantean War of Independence broke out. Atlantean General Victor Radcliff sent Thomas Paine to Terranova to stir up sympathy and revolutionary sentiment among the British subjects there in an effort to distract the British. Paine met with some degree of success. After the United States of Atlantis won its independence, several other republics were able to establish themselves in Terranova. Atlantis quietly continued to support such movements, which resulted in the brief and generally inconclusive War of 1809 between Atlantis and Britain.

One British colony in Terranova was the Dominion of Ontario. Nations further south included Mexico and the Empire of Huy-Braseal.

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