
"Sabrino's having opposed the killing of Kaunians but refusing to collaborate with the occupying Unkerlanters recalls the (unnamed) aristocatic Confederate who appears in In at the Death- who had saved Blacks from Jake Featherston's genocide, but remains intrasigently opposed to the US occupiers and refuses to shake Abner Dowling's hand."

He did have a name, but I can't seem to find the article. It was Dowling's hand, not Morrell. TR 18:35, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

Jack Carter. From Tarkas Estate. Not sure why HT felt the need to do an Edgar Rice Burroughs homage with this guy in particular; it made a lot more sense in WBtP. Also, the parallel Keller identifies exists, but I'd consider it an awfully loose connection to be worth its own (unprecedented) section. Turtle Fan 18:54, March 15, 2010 (UTC)
By the way, Adam, you don't need to write the hyperlinks on our own articles. Just write the title and throw it between double brackets. If the title is cumbersom do a | and write something else after it, still within the bracket. Turtle Fan 18:54, March 15, 2010 (UTC)
EDIT: Sorry, I see that's what you did. It's the copying and pasting that transforms them, I guess. Turtle Fan 18:58, March 15, 2010 (UTC)