"Sabrino's having opposed the killing of Kaunians but refusing to collaborate with the occupying Unkerlanters recalls the (unnamed) aristocatic Confederate who appears in In at the Death- who had saved Blacks from Jake Featherston's genocide, but remains intrasigently opposed to the US occupiers and refuses to shake Abner Dowling's hand."
He did have a name, but I can't seem to find the article. It was Dowling's hand, not Morrell. TR 18:35, March 15, 2010 (UTC)
- Jack Carter. From Tarkas Estate. Not sure why HT felt the need to do an Edgar Rice Burroughs homage with this guy in particular; it made a lot more sense in WBtP. Also, the parallel Keller identifies exists, but I'd consider it an awfully loose connection to be worth its own (unprecedented) section. Turtle Fan 18:54, March 15, 2010 (UTC)
- By the way, Adam, you don't need to write the hyperlinks on our own articles. Just write the title and throw it between double brackets. If the title is cumbersom do a | and write something else after it, still within the bracket. Turtle Fan 18:54, March 15, 2010 (UTC)
- EDIT: Sorry, I see that's what you did. It's the copying and pasting that transforms them, I guess. Turtle Fan 18:58, March 15, 2010 (UTC)