
Since HT pointedly told us that Hitler and Himmler were killed, that Goring went MIA, and that Goebbels was hiding out at the Italian embassy, is it reasonable to assume that Hess and Heydrich were arrested without incident? TR (talk) 19:45, October 24, 2014 (UTC)

I forgot that part about Goebbels hiding. I had assumed Hess had been arrested but the impression I had of Heydrich was that he was alive and fighting for the Party (see e.g. the Hans-Ulrich scene pg 326). By the end of the civil war he could have been captured or, I think more likely, killed. However I don't recall anything specific. If you want to do some adjustments to the article, feel free. After reading your addition to the Himmler article yesterday, I reviewed the book and saw that initially the four were to be arrested and so edited the article, just now, to reflect it. ML4E (talk) 19:56, October 24, 2014 (UTC)
Any reason you removed the categories or was that accidental? ML4E (talk) 19:59, October 24, 2014 (UTC)
Accidental. I don't know what I did there. TR (talk) 20:07, October 24, 2014 (UTC)

Re: Editorial Note[]

"The assassination of Hitler and overthrow of the Nazi regime are clearly inspired by the failed attempt in the same direction made by conservative German generals in OTL, known as the "20 July Plot" [1] - though the specific details of the intended assassination were different and in OTL Guderian was not directly involved."

This sentence basically says that the fictional plot is "clearly" inspired by the July 20 Plot, and yet is completely different. That makes no logical sense, and is of dubious value as a comment.

There were a number of schemes against Hitler that contemplated his death and the removal of the Nazis. The only real connection HT makes between the 20 July plot and his fictional coup is the use of explosives to kill Hitler, and even that isn't 100% concrete in the novel. TR (talk) 17:00, May 7, 2015 (UTC)

Agreed. Shall we remove it? Turtle Fan (talk) 16:34, May 8, 2015 (UTC)
The only similarity was to kill Hitler and set up a committee of generals to take power. I agree, this doesn't seem to have much value. The last line about Featherston and Forrest is even more dubious since Forrest's plot seemed half baked and he didn't even seem to plan to kill Featherston. ML4E (talk) 18:13, May 9, 2015 (UTC)
I always thought Forrest's plan was to bore Featherston to death with his lecture. At any rate, when HT dropped that thread like a hot potato for the entirety of TG, he condemned us to having too little info to say much of anything about whatever Forrest intended. Turtle Fan (talk) 00:32, May 10, 2015 (UTC)