Fictional Character
Every Inch a King
Type of Appearance: Direct
Nationality: Lokris
Occupation: Maritime weather worker
Affiliations: Crew of the Gamemeno

Stagiros was the weatherworker aboard the Gamemeno. In contrast to the low quality of the ship, Stagiros was a model of seriousness, resembling an officer in the Schlepsigian army, although somewhat swarthier. He was a first rate man on a fifth rate ship. Captain Tasos, recognizing Stagiros' superior competence, made sure to stay on Stagiros' good side at all times. Tasos obtained Stagiros' loyalty simply by paying him more than anyone else. Tasos knew he must guard Stagiros' life dearly, else the ship would be lost.

When Otto of Schlepsig and Max of Witte were traveling on the ship, Stagiros summoned a wind that could take a Schlepsigian ship of the line into battle against Albion.
