
The Slug Hollow Accord also known as the Treaty of Slug Hollow, was the peace agreement that effectively ended the Atlantean Servile Insurrection and manumitted the rebellious slaves.

This action was borne out of the revolution of slaves, tired of years of bondage. The uprising was masterminded by Victor Radcliff's Negro grandson, Frederick Radcliff and the Copperskin Lorenzo.

After fate had delivered a weapons cache to rebellious slaves, the Negro and Copperskin guerrillas went on a rampage in southern Atlantis, which was thinly populated by white people, in a desperate gamble for freedom. Along the way, they allowed the whites to live if they were not provoked, unlike other rebels. This endeared the rebels to the largely abolitionist North, who became highly unwilling to prosecute war against the slaves.

Another reason for the uprising's success was its highly organized nature and as mentioned before, the conflict between abolitionists and slaveholders in Atlantis.

Finally, after a decisive battle east of the Green Ridge Mountains, where the Atlantean Army was decimated, the war-weary whites agreed to negotiate with the guerrillas. The Slug Hollow Accord was born out of this effort.

As its name suggests, the agreement was created in the sleepy, abandoned village of Slug Hollow. Here the Consuls of Atlantis, slaveholding Jeremiah Stafford and abolitionist Leland Newton, agreed to manumit the slaves and give them equal rights such as: the right to vote, the right to get educated, the right to get elected, the right to marry whites and each other. The leaders of the ex-slaves agreed to the Accord.

However, Leland Newton reminded the ex-slaves that they would not see a colored Consul any time soon.
