The Security Police of the Italian People's Republic was the supreme State security agency. Modelled on the Soviet KGB, the Security Police existed solely to insure that Italian citizens were good and loyal adherents to communism and did not support or disseminate pro-capitalist notions. Most citizens feared the Security Police, as the organization had limitless authority to investigate and punish dissenters, including the use of torture. Thus, Security Police officers and their families had a great deal of political clout.
Nonethless, the Security Police was nothing compared to the KGB in terms of ferocity and corruption.
In 2097, the Security Police investigated three small shops dedicated to gaming: The Conductor's Cap in Rome; The Gladiator in Milan, and; The Three Sixes in San Marino, which was actually outside Italian jurisdiction, but that didn't stop them. In short order, the Security Police determined that the three shops existed to subtly introduce notions of capitalism into Italian society. It moved to seize all three shops. However, the various employees evaded them. Astonishingly, the fingerprints that could be traced to the shop-clerks were not in any known database. (This was because the clerks were employees of Crosstime Traffic, a company from another timeline, who had in fact arrived to spread notions of capitalism.)
With The Conductor's Cap and The Gladiator publically shut down, the Security Police illegally and quietly seized The Three Sixes, manning it with their own agents for he purpose of catching its former employees and other possible dissenters. When this was brought to the attention of the Sammarinese authorities, the Italians were placed under arrest. However, they did bear witness to the "kidnapping" of Gianfranco Mazzilli by a "gang" lead by Eduardo Caruso. The gang vanished (back to the home timeline), leaving the Italian Security Police even more embarassed.
When Gianfranco was returned unharmed, he was heavily interrogated by the Security Police. However, Crosstime Traffic had taken steps to insure that Gianfranco could not be drugged. Thus, the Security Police released Gianfranco without learning the secret of Crosstime.