
The Roxolan were an alien empire. They were also one of the most technologically advanced societies in space having discovered gunpowder, casting iron, smelting steel, manufacturing matchlock muskets and spyglasses to steer their starships.

The empire expanded by sending an invasion fleet of 100-150 warships into a star system. The star system usually consisted of a yellow dwarf star and at least one habitable planet. If the fleet did not detect a hyperdrive emanation, they located any habitable planets and invaded them, using their vastly superior technology to overwhelm the primitive inhabitants.

First Contact with Earth[]

In 2039, an invasion fleet arrived in the Earth's solar system. It was first detected by the crew of the Ares III, the third manned mission to Mars. The crew attempted to communicate but their radio signals were ignored and the Roxolan fleet proceeded to Earth since they had not detected any signs of hyperdrive. All vessels landed and deployed their foot to horrible effect. They were immediately destroyed by the superior weaponry of the United States, and the captain of a company of foot soldiers, Togram was taken captive. Humans were able to exploit the secret of the hyperdrive, which prompted interstellar expansion and the formation of the Terran Confederacy.

The appearance of the species resembled "Teddy Bears" to human eyes (actually the Roxolan's appearance was ursine-like).


The Roxolan were still remembered in the 33rd Century as the first aliens that humans had encountered. Video recordings of the event had been maintained, being copied from media to media as technology changed and through the collapse of the Terran Confederacy. It was an instructive lesson of what happens when a more primitive culture encounters a more advanced one.


Reffo were an ant-like pest native to Roxolan.

A luof was small animal native to Roxolan. It was used to test the atmosphere of newly discovered planets. If the luof lived, then it was safe for Roxolani to breath the air.[1]


  1. Kaleidoscope, pg. 173, mpb.