Ramsgate 2-1-

Ramsgate is a seaside town in the district of Thanet in east Kent, England, United Kingdom. It was one of the great English seaside towns of the 19th century and is a member of the ancient confederation of Cinque Ports. The town has one of the largest marinas on the English south coast and Port of Ramsgate has provided cross channel ferries for many years.

Ramsgate in The War That Came Early[]

When the Luftwaffe made its first raid against England during the Second World War, the unexpected heavy air defence put up by the RAF forced the Germans to drop their bombs while they were over the town of Ramsgate. This gave the town the unfortunate honor of being the first British city to be attacked in the war. Hans-Ulrich Rudel was one of the German pilots who took part in this attack.

After this attack, the RAF bombed Münster in retaliation.
