Rabbits are small, herbivorous mammals that are in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in all continents of Earth except Antarctica, whether as native fauna or imported livestock. They have been imported to Australia, where they are not native, and become an infamous plague on the ecosystem of that continent.
Gigantic bunny rabbits were the world's primary transportation animal. Warriors such as Georgia and Lani rode bunnies into battle. These rabbits were the size of horses, although this comparison would have been meaningless to residents of that world, where horses did not exist.
Literary comment[]
Rabbits (of the ordinary non-fantasy variety) were mentioned frequently in Of Mice and Men.
Rabbits were introduced to Australia in the late 18th or early 19th century and became a textbook example of the effect of invasive species on a natural habitat. The damage to Australian ecology was compounded in the mid 20th century with the importation of numerous animal species from the Race's homeworld.