Priest of Hagia Sophia
Fictional Character
"The Emperor's Return"
Set in the 21st Century
Type of Appearance: Direct POV
Nationality: Byzantine Empire
Religion: Eastern Orthodox Church
Date of Birth: 15th century
Date of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Priest

On 29 May 1453, a priest was praying in Hagia Sophia for deliverance from the Turks, when the Emperor Constantine burst into the cathedral. The Emperor informed the priest that the city was lost, then declared his desire to die fighting rather than flee. He had come to the cathedral to pray for the chance of seeing Constantinople in Christian hands again one day.

No sooner had the Emperor uttered his prayer, than a mantle of pearly flame engulfed him and he sank into the marble floor. The priest fell to his knees and prayed "Kyrie eleison! Christe eleison!" "Lord, have mercy! Christ, have mercy!"

When the Emperor returned on 10 June 2003, he remembered the priest as a coward.
