
Petersburg is a city in Virginia, near Richmond. It was the site of intense, drawn out fighting during the latter part of the American Civil War.

Petersburg in "The Last Reunion"[]

When John Houston Thorpe arrived in the afterlife, he found himself in a reenactment of the Siege of Petersburg. Specifically, the Second Battle of Reams Station in late August 1864, where his side defeated the Yankees.

Petersburg in Southern Victory[]

As the United States Army fought over Richmond, Confederate President Jake Featherston moved the seat of government south to Petersburg. This included soldiers and bureaucrats along with civilian refugees and Freedom Party Guards who provided security checkpoints. President Featherston set up his office in the Lawn, a large red-brick house in town. Those meeting with him were subjected to a rigorous pat down and required to surrender any weapons they had. This included General Clarence Potter when he reported to the President the status of the superbomb project in Lexington, Virginia.[1]

The US Army captured Richmond and continued to progress south forcing President Featherston to relocated to Portsmouth.[2]

See also[]


  1. In at the Death, pgs. 205-208, hc.
  2. Ibid. pg. 274.