Fictional Character
Agent of Byzantium
POD: c. AD 597
Appearance(s): "Unholy Trinity"
Type of Appearance: Direct POV
Nationality: Ispanian citizen of the Roman Empire
Religion: Eastern Orthodox Church
Date of Birth: 13th century
Date of Death: 1315
Cause of Death: Explosion smashed him against a wall
Occupation: Soldier

In 1315, Pavlo was the tourmarch of the border fortress of Pertuis in the Pyrenees.

During May of that year, Pavlo sat down to draft his monthly report to his superiors. In it, he outlined the status of his forces, traffic through the pass and tolls collected, and drills conducted by his troops. The last included careful records of the amount of liquid fire expended and seals from empty tuns. He also indicated that the Franco-Saxons had been active in the woods to the north of the fortress. Since those were on their side of the border, Pavlo could only make enquiries and was informed that they were after a band of robbers.

When he finished his report, Pavlo sealed it in an envelop and stepped out of the keep into the courtyard calling for a courier. As he did so, a wicker-wrapped earthenware pot hissed through the air and landed twenty passes in front of him. He noticed a wisp of smoke floating from it as a sentry shouted a warning of catapults and then called for troops to man the walls. The barbarian cavalry was attacking.

Pavlo began shouting orders when the air seemed torn apart. It was as if a thunderbolt had struck the fortress though it was a clear day. Dazed, he looked around and saw two men down and screaming from their wounds. A third, who had been closest to the pot, was little more than a crimson smear on the ground. A trooper yelled that the northerners had called demons from hell. The sentry then yelled louder that they had, that he could see the devils all in red with horns and tails capering at the edge of the forest.

As Pavlo tried to rally his men, another pot landed at his feet. The explosion flung him against the wall like a broken doll and so he didn't see a bigger one smash the gates.[1]


  1. See e.g. Agent of Byzantium, pgs. 122-125, tpb.