Raukio k'Breyvic
(Old Salty)
Fictional Character
"My Hypothetical Friend"
Science Fiction
Type of Appearance: Direct (POV for one section)
Species: Brot
Occupation: Trader
Relatives: Vytre v'Breyvic (swarmsister);
Banak v', Porsanger k' (offspring of swarmsister)

Raukio k’Breyvic, known on Earth as Old Salty, was a Brot trader. He worked primarily with Dave Markarian of Interstellar Master Traders in Fresno. He/she/it did not mind the nickname "Old Salty", understanding that humans couldn't easily pronounce Brot names.[1]

Like most Brot traders, Raukio k’Breyvic gave IMT lesser Brot technology in exchange for IMT building toys for the Brot. Like all Brot traders, Raukio k’Breyvic was very insistent that IMT's workers carefully follow the Brot's directions.[2]

After a period of time, Raukio k’Breyvic was called home. He/she/it met with Dave Markarian for the last time, dubbing Markarian his/her/its "hypothetical friend." While Markarian was understandably curious about how "Old Salty" felt about leaving Earth, Old Salty did not elaborate on his/her/its feelings. Markarian announced Old Salty's departure to the rest of the company. Old Salty was able convey that he/she/it knew IMT understood the Brot better than most of humanity. Markarian then showed Old Salty newest product, which Old Salty said was for entertainment. Old Salty was satisfied with what he/she/it saw, and the two retired to Markarian's office, where Markarian presented Old Salty a gift.[3]

Markarian collected California Raisins toys. He explained the history of the Raisins to Old Salty, and the fact that the toys had been made in China in the 1980s, at a time when China was technologically behind the United States. He explained that the people who built this toys were largely Chinese peasants who had absolutely no idea what they were building or why. While Old Salty took the toy, he/she/it seemed to value the fact that Markarian understood the Brot. With that, Old Salty took his/her/its leave.[4]

Raukio k’Breyvic initially had a difficult time adjusting to home. He/she/it paid a visit to his/her/its swarmsister, Vytre v'Breyvic. They discussed Raukio k's time on Earth, including Raukio' k's observation that, as backward as Earth was, its natives could be rather like the Brot. He/she/it then presented Vytre v's offspring, Banak v' and Porsanger k' with the new toys IMT had build. While Rauko k' did think it likely that Earth would became more technologically advanced, he/she/it didn't think it would happen soon.[5]


  1. Analog: Science Fiction and Fact, Vol. CXXXX1, Nos. 1 & 2, January/February, 2021, pg. 32.
  2. Ibid., pgs. 30-31.
  3. Ibid. pg. 33-36.
  4. Ibid., pgs. 36-38.
  5. Ibid., pgs. 39-40.