The Nuremberg Race Laws of 1935 were a series of laws passed by the Nazi Party at its annual rally in Nuremberg in 1935. These laws codified a series of official discriminations against Germany's Jewish population. Most notably, the laws deprived Jewish Germans of citizenship and outlawed marriage or sexual congress between Jews and "Aryans." The laws also included provisions for determining a person's racial identity based on genealogy.
Literary comment[]
The above information pertains to all Harry Turtledove timelines with a Point of Divergence after 1935. It is germane only to a few.
Nuremberg Race Laws in In the Presence of Mine Enemies[]
The nascent Greater German Reich passed a series of laws in 1935 to prevent any mingling of Aryans and Jews, which would pollute the purity of the Master Race. Although the matter seemingly became moot with the proclaimed extinction of Jewry well before 2010, the Reich still maintained a Genealogical Office in Berlin to enforce the purity laws, looking out for Jewish genetic traits such as Tay-Sachs disease among the German populace. Ironically, the Office had itself been infiltrated by secret Jews, who doctored records to conceal obvious tells about certain members of their own kind in German society.
While the civil rights reforms of Führer Heinz Buckliger gave the secret Jews some hope of a more humane direction for the Reich, it was a muted hope, as nothing was said about repealing the purity laws or granting any liberties to non-Aryans.
Nuremberg Race Laws in The War That Came Early[]
After the Committee for the Salvation of the German Nation successfully ousted the Nazi Party from power in 1944, it quietly rolled back the Reich Citizenship Law of 15 September 1935, restoring citizenship to the country's Jews so long as they had not committed a crime in the interim.[1]
Nuremberg Race Laws in Worldwar[]
Even after the arrival of the Race, a truly alien form of life, the racial purity laws of Nazi Germany remained in place. In 1962, Käthe Drucker was arrested for having a Jewish grandmother, but her three children, being only one-eighth Jewish, were not pursued. Frau Drucker was freed due to the connections which her husband, Colonel Johannes Drucker, had to General Walter Dornberger of the Reich Rocket Force.
- ↑ Last Orders, pg. 381, pb.