New York Times logo 500

The New York Times is a daily newspaper published in New York City and distributed internationally. The largest metropolitan newspaper in the United States, "The Gray Lady" — named for its staid appearance and style — is regarded as a national newspaper of record.

New York Times in "The Breaking of Nations"[]

The New York Times was shuttered in the 2020s for "deliberately spreading slanderous lies and misinformation about the administration," showing just how powerless the Constitution had become.[1]

New York Times in The Guns of the South[]

The Battle of the Wilderness was headlined in the New York Times thusly: "Disaster!" Grant's army overthrown in the Wilderness. Forced to retreat above the Rappahannock, and there defeated once more."[2]

New York Times in Joe Steele[]

In 1935, the New York Times ran a column about President Joe Steele's proposed legislation that would allow the Federal government to draft prisoners out of local, state, and federal detention facilities and put them to work building infrastructure in the Midwest and Rocky Mountains regions. The column was of two minds, seeing value in improving the parts of the country that had been hit by both the Depression and the Dust Bowl, but at the same time wondering about the value of implementing the distasteful chain gang system throughout the country.[3]

New York Times in The Man With the Iron Heart[]

Initially, The New York Times gave little credence to the opponents of the Truman Administration, but as Diana McGraw and her Mothers Against the Madness in Germany gained support in the country, the Times soon gave the movement more coverage. In 1947, the Times sent a reporter to cover the troops returning to New York City, and get a quote from McGraw, who was present to welcome them.

Jerry Duncan read the Times first thing every morning.

New York Times in "News From the Front"[]

The New York Times was one of many newspapers mercilessly critical of American President Franklin D. Roosevelt's handling of World War II, reminding the public of the president's 1940 campaign promise that "your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." The Times also reported on the closing of The New Yorker and broke a story about the devices the United States used to spy on Germany and Japan.


  1. And the Last Trump Shall Sound, pg. 25.
  2. The Guns of the South, p. 155.
  3. Joe Steele, pgs. 127-128.