Neal D. Franklin
Historical Figure
Nationality: United States
Year of Birth: 1895
Year of Death: 1961
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Soldier
Military Branch: United States Army (World War II)
Fictional Appearances:
"News From the Front"
POD: December 8, 1941
Type of Appearance: Direct first-person narrator (one scene)
Affiliations: US Army (WWII)

Neal D. Franklin (1895-1961) was the provost marshal of the Territory of Hawaii in the immediate aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Little else seems to be recorded about his life.

Neal D. Franklin in "News From the Front"[]

On June 1, 1942, Lt. Col. Neal D. Franklin ordered the Honolulu Advertiser closed down after it published several stories about the sinking of American ships, in violation of the territorial code.[1]


  1. See, e.g., Atlantis and Other Places, pg. 115, HC.