"Natural Selection"  
I, Alien
Author Laura Frankos
First Appearance I, Alien
Publisher DAW
Reprinted No
Collected No
Genre(s) Science Fiction
Publication date 2005

"Natural Selection" is a short story by Laura Frankos, first published in I, Alien, edited by Mike Resnick, DAW 2005.

In the future, a large number of humans from Earth desire to visit the planet Hripirt. Hripirt immigration agents Mullnor, Bingokk, and Delip, assigned to different parts of the United States, gather in a restaurant at their embassy, dubbed the Drones Club by the natives. They discuss their progress in understanding Earth culture, and the reasons behind their varying criteria for making selections of which humans will be allowed work visas.

While the story does not reveal the year in which it takes place, it is implicitly within a generation of the original publication date.

See also
