
The Mississippi River is the second-longest river in North America. It rises in northern Minnesota and meanders slowly southward for 2530 miles to the Mississippi River Delta at the Gulf of Mexico. With its many tributaries, the Mississippi's watershed drains all or parts of 31 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces between the Rocky and Appalachian Mountains. The Mississippi ranks as the fourth longest and tenth largest river in the world. The river either borders or cuts through the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

Nicknames for the Mississippi River include the Mighty Mississippi, Old Man River, the Father of Waters, the Big Muddy, Old Blue, and the Gathering of Waters.

Mississippi River in Atlantis[]

The Big Muddy River was the longest river in northern Terranova. In 1843, John James Audubon and Edward Harris sailed down the Big Muddy to New Orleans, and then out into the Bay of Mexico, across the Hesperian Gulf, and on to Atlantis.[1]

Mississippi River in A Different Flesh[]

The New Nile was the longest river in North America. It originally served as a boundary-line for English colonies, although by the 18th century, most colonists had routinely crossed the river to settle. When the Federated Commonwealths of America declared independence in 1738, the New Nile was entirely within the new nation.

Richard Trevithick demonstrated his Iron Elephant engine in 1782 on a railroad which ran along the east bank of the New Nile.

Mississippi River in Southern Victory[]

The Mississippi River was heavily mined and patrolled by river gunboats belonging to both the USA and the CSA during the Great War. The naval presence on the river and shore defenses made it difficult for either side to advance into the others territory via that route.[2] The Confederates fell back as the US Army captured portions of the riverbank culminating the the bombardment of Memphis by a US force advancing into northeastern Arkansas.

The Mississippi was the site of a rare ship-to-ship river monitor battle in 1916, when the USS Punishment sank a Confederate ship.[3] George Enos served on the Punishment, until it was destroyed in turn. Enos had been ashore visiting a 'house of ill repute' when his ship was attacked and sunk.[4]

Mississippi River in The Wages of Sin[]

Most of the land through which the Father of Waters flowed lay within the control of various Indian nations. The rest belonged to France (or Spain during a few years of dynastic confusion). Nevertheless, an English traveller, Samuel Langhorne, explored the region in the mid 19th century and wrote a book about it.[5]

See also[]


  1. See e.g.: Atlantis and Other Places, pgs. 3-6, HC.
  2. Walk in Hell, pgs. 3-7, HC.
  3. Ibid., pgs. 103-105.
  4. Ibid., pgs. 300-303.
  5. The Wages of Sin, chapter IV. Pg. 56. hc; pg. 71, loc. 1020 , ebook.