
This article lists the various minor fictional characters (whose names begin with the letters A through L) who appear in the Settling Accounts tetralogy, a sub-series of the Southern Victory series. These characters are identified by name, but play at best a peripheral role in the series. Most were simply mentioned or had a very brief, unimportant speaking role that did not impact the plot, and never appeared again. See also: Minor Fictional Characters in the Settling Accounts Series (M-Z).

Chris Agganis[]

(Return Engagement)

Chris Agganis was a Greek-born fisherman in Boston, Massachusetts in the early 1940s. He was a last minute replacement on the Sweet Sue when Johnny O'Shea failed to show up. On his first fishing trip, Agganis was wounded in his leg when the boat was machine gunned by a British naval fighter off HMS Ark Royal.[1]

Captain Albert[]


Captain Albert commanded the F/V Sweet Sue when the Second Great War began. On one fishing trip, the boat was machine gunned by a British naval fighter off the Ark Royal.[2] Although damaged, Captain Albert managed to bring her back to port. He took her out again after the Sweet Sue was repaired.[3]

Lt. Colonel Altrock[]

(In at the Death)

Lieutenant Colonel Altrock was the prosecutor of Confederate General Clarence Potter at the latter's trial for war crimes. He did his case no good when, under cross examination, General Irving Morrell admitted that he probably would have thought to dress the 133rd Special Reconnaissance Company in Confederate uniforms without the example previously given by the C.S.[4]

Marco Angelucci[]


Marco Angelucci was a sailor onboard the USS Josephus Daniels. When George Enos Jr. became the loader on a 40mm anti-aircraft gun, Angelucci replaced him as shell-jerker. Like most sailors on the Josephus Daniels, he had a low opinion of the executive officer Myron Zwilling.[5]

See: Inconsistencies (Southern Victory).

Tad Appleton[]

(Drive to the East)

Tad Appleton (d. 1942) was a soldier fighting the Mormon uprising in the Second Great War alongside Armstrong Grimes and Yossel Reisen Jr. He stopped a .50 caliber round with his face and presumably had a closed-casket funeral back in his home in Milwaukee.

Appleton was actually of Polish descent; his birth name was difficult to pronounce.[6]


(The Grapple)

Apuleius was a point man in Spartacus' guerrilla team. His sense of what was right or wrong allowed him to pinpoint traps when there was nothing to see.[7]



Arminius was a Negro guerrilla in Spartacus' band in Georgia. After a raid on an airbase went bad, the tall, heavy-set fighter accused Jonathan Moss and Nick Cantarella of selling the band out to the Confederates. Cantarella provoked Arminius into a fight and roundly defeated him, leading Spartacus to ask Cantarella to teach him unarmed combat techniques.[8]

Clark Ashton[]


Clark Ashton was a sergeant in the United States Army during the Second Great War. He served as gunner in General Irving Morrell's command barrel during Morrell's advance on Atlanta, Georgia.[9]

Literary Note[]

His name appears to be a play on science fiction/horror writer Clark Ashton Smith (1893-1961).

Braxton Atkins[]


Braxton Atkins was a guard in Camp Dependable. He was personally loyal to the camp commandant Jefferson Pinkard so Pinkard selected him as one of the three guards to bring former Vice President Willy Knight out of the camp proper to be executed. When Knight was taken out of sight of the barracks, Pinkard gave a signal and Atkins along with the other two guards shot Knight in the back several times each. They then dragged the body to the nearby swamp for burial.[10]



Lt. Bassler was Armstrong Grimes platoon leader in 1943. He was gung ho, and lead the platoon's attack on a series of Confederate machine gun nests into Covington, Georgia. Bassler was wounded near the Savannah River, leaving Grimes in charge of the platoon.[11]

Charlie Baumgartner[]


Corporal Charlie Baumgartner (b. c 1915) served in Lt. Thayer Monroe's platoon on the Virginia front during the Second Great War. Although not much older than Monroe, Baumgartner had much more military experience and viewed the Lieutenant with contempt. When he spoke with senior sergeant Chester Martin, Martin agreed but explained that Monroe wasn't a bad officer and what he needed was some experience.[12]



Beau was a Freedom Party Guardsman and bodyguard to Confederate President Jake Featherston. As was typical of the breed, he was young and brave but lacked imagination and intelligence.

In 1942 Beau was part of the guard detail that accompanied Featherston on his inspection tour of the front lines near the outskirts of Pittsburgh. He was too young to have been a veteran of the Great War and so hesitated a crucial few seconds when the party came under U.S. artillery fire and was seriously wounded, losing a foot.

When the barrage shifted to another position, Featherston was the first to reach Beau and administer first aid. Featherston personally tourniqueted Beau's stub and stayed with him until a medic took over.[13]

Sid Becker[]


Sid Becker was a chief petty officer aboard the USS Josephus Daniels. When the ship crossed below the equator, Becker played the role of King Neptune, and the polliwogs had to kiss his big right toe. He was quite hairy all over his body, including his toe. Myron Zwilling was a polliwog, which amused the entire crew.[14] In an act of revenge, Zwilling made Becker part of the prize crew that boarded the Argentinian ship, the ARA Tierra del Fuego. When George Enos Jr., who'd also been banished to the Argentinian ship, shared this with Becker, Becker didn't mind, as commanding the Tierra del Fuego might bring an opportunity for career advancement that he might not otherwise have.[15]

Frenchy Bergeron[]

(DttE, TG)

Al "Frenchy" Bergeron was a sergeant in the United States Army during the Second Great War.[16] He served as gunner in General Irving Morrell's command barrel from the Battle of Pittsburgh[17] until the fall of Nashville.[18] After the fall of Nashville, Morrell personally commissioned him a lieutenant and promoted him to command of an armored platoon.[19]

Cecil Bergman[]

(DttE, TG)

In 1942 Sgt. Michael Pound was assigned to a new barrel after his previous one was destroyed. PFC Cecil Bergman became his new loader with both under the command of 1st Lt. Don Griffiths.[20] Bergman was short and skinny which helped him do his job in the tight confines of the new up-gunned Mark 2.5 barrel.[21]

Carl Bernstein[]


Carl Bernstein was a U.S. Army sergeant in Philadelphia during the Second Great War. He lead a group responsible for sweeping governmental offices and government employees' homes for surveillance equipment. His team was made up of Bob and Dick.[22]

Literary comment[]

Bernstein and his group of "Bob" (Woodward?) and "Dick" (Nixon?) looking for surveillance equipment represent an inside joke on Harry Turtledove's part. Since the Carl Bernstein of OTL was born in 1944, this character cannot be him.



Bertha was Congresswoman Flora Blackford's secretary in her Philadelphia office.[23]



Betsy was a young woman living in Montevallo, Alabama. She passed on a case of VD to a young U.S. PFC Eubanks. After treating Eubanks, Leonard O'Doull ordered him to bring Betsy to O'Doull for treatment. Betsy arrived unhappy and defiant. Nonetheless, she submitted to an examination by O'Doull, and was started on a penicillin regimen.[24]



Betty was prostitute working Miss Lucy's, a brothel in Tallahassee that served officers of the U.S. Army. She "serviced" Michael Pound in 1945.[25]

Vince Bevacqua[]


Vince Bevacaqua was a chief petty officer on the USS Josephus Daniels during the Second Great War. He manned the ship's hydrophone and was the first to find the German Navy's U-517. After reporting contact to Captain Sam Carsten, he continued to monitor his hydrophone for British, French and Confederate submersibles.[26]

Billie Jean[]


Billie Jean (d. 1943) was a young Confederate girl from Loganville, Georgia. US Army Medic Vince Donofrio stitched up an injured finger for her. When the two went of together to have sex, they were intercepted and beaten to death by a mob.[27]

Clement Boardman[]


Doctor Clement Boardman was a flight surgeon with Jonathan Moss' squadron outside Winchester, Indiana during the Second Great War. Moss went to him for assistance when, despite coffee and pep pills, he couldn't maintain the pace of operations during the response to Operation Blackbeard that he did during the Great War. Boardman chastised Moss for wanting a fountain of youth but gave him a couple of pills stating they would make a new man of him. Rather than stimulants, the medication was a depressant which knocked out Moss. As Boardman explained later, Moss was too fatigued to think straight and what he needed was sleep.[28]

Bob (soldier)[]


Bob was a soldier in the United States Army during the Second Great War. He was a specialist in sweeping for surveillance equipment. He was stationed in Philadelphia with his teammate Dick. They reported to Sergeant Carl Bernstein.[29]

Literary Comment[]

Bob's name is most likely a reference to Bob Woodward, who along with Carl Bernstein, investigated the Watergate scandal from 1972 to 1974. Since both men were born about the time this story takes place, these characters cannot actually be them. It's an inside joke.

Bobby Lee[]


Bobby Lee was a captain in the Confederate States Army . He commanded a company in Lt. Col. Tom Colleton's regiment during the Second Great War. In 1942, when Operation Coalscuttle slowed outside Beaver, Pennsylvania the Confederates sent a special unit in U.S. uniforms through Bobby Lee's sector to cause confusion behind U.S. lines. This allowed the Confederates to break-through and continue their advance.[30]



Borkowski (d. 1944) was Armstrong Grimes' platoon sergeant during the Second Great War. He was killed by a Confederate attack near the Savannah River This, along with the wounding of Lt. Bassler and Sergeant Wise left Grimes in command of the platoon.[31]

Francoise Boulanger[]


Francoise Boulanger (b. 1867) was a patient of Dr. Leonard O'Doull's. She had arthritis.[32]

Gilbert Boyle[]


United States Army Captain Gilbert Boyle commanded a company defending West Jefferson, Ohio from the Confederates during Operation Blackbeard. Boyle prepared his defenses as though it were still the Great War with barbed wire, machinegun emplacements and foxholes rather than trenches. This did him little good as a platoon of Confederate barrels smashed their way through. Boyle continued to encourage his troops to hold fast but most realized the futility and slipped across the Little Darby Creek.[33]

Kirby Bramlette[]


Major Kirby Bramlette was in the Confederate Army during the Second Great War. In 1943 he and his command delayed the western U.S. thrust into Kentucky outside Elkton. Bramlette fought tenaciously and managed to inflict heavy casualties on the U.S., especially after receiving a shipment of "stovepipe" rockets from Lt. Col. Jerry Dover, but was forced to retreat.[34]



Captain Brassens was a soldier in the Army of the Republic of Quebec. During the Second Great War he was assigned to occupation duty in Rosenfeld, Manitoba on behalf of the Americans. In 1941, he led a squad of soldiers to the apartment of Mary McGregor Pomeroy to investigate claims made by Wilf Rokeby. While Brassens questioned Pomeroy, the soldiers searched the apartment. They failed to find anything incriminating since Pomeroy had returned her bomb making equipment to the hiding place her father had made on the family farm.[35]

Miss Brewster[]


Miss Brewster was Sam Carsten's English teacher in the last semester before he dropped out of school to join the U.S. Navy in 1909. She was an effective teacher, and decades after having studied under her, Carsten could still quote from William Shakespeare's Tragedy of Julius Caesar and Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.[36]

Charlemagne Broxton[]


Charlemagne Broxton was the owner of the Huntsman's Lodge. After the Second Great War, Broxton agreed to hire Jerry Dover back to his position as manager of the restaurant.[37]

Grover Burch[]


Grover Burch (b. c. 1904) was a lieutenant in the Confederate States Army during the Second Great War. He became Jorge Rodriguez' platoon commander in 1944, supplanting the corporal from his short command of it.[38]

Clark Butler[]


Clark Butler was the town commissioner for Atlanta after the Second Great War, collaborating with the US conquerors. When General Irving Morrell issued the pamphlet Equality, which outlined how whites and blacks would interact going forward, Butler was horrified by the prospect of blacks and whites of having to interact as equals. Morrell dismissed Butler's complaints by saying "Frankly, Butler, I don't give a damn". When Morrell asked Butler if he was speaking in his official capacity, Butler backed off.[39]

Literary Comment[]

Butler's physical description matches that of Clark Gable playing Rhett Butler in the film version of Gone with the Wind. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" is a line that Rhett says in the film.

See also: Thert the Butler, another Harry Turtledove character based on Clark Gable as Rhett Butler.

Political offices
(Southern Victory)
Preceded by
Andrew Crowley
as Mayor
Town Commissioner of Atlanta
Succeeded by
Incumbent at series' end, 1945

Douglass Butler[]


Douglass Butler was a driver in Cincinnatus Driver's transportation unit and the only other Negro in it. He was originally from Denver, and to Driver's surprise spoke with a white Northerner's accent. He also was as sure of his place in society and as comfortable with it as any white man. The unusual spelling of his first name suggested he was named after Frederick Douglass.[40]

Woody Butler[]


Woody Butler was a well-known American comedic actor in the 1940s. His trademark was a pair of glasses marked from greasepaint. In 1943, he starred opposite Daisy June Lee in the comedy Jose's Hayride at the Winter Garden Theater in New York City.[41]



Caesar was a Negro from Virginia. During the Second Great War, he obtained a number of photos implicating the Freedom Party Guards in the beginnings of the Population Reduction from associates. Some of the photos had been taken by the perpetrators themselves, and Caesar never divulged the way that he obtained them. Others had been taken by Negroes who slipped to the mass graves after the killings had occurred but before the graves were covered.

He fled across the lines into the United States, then made his way to Philadelphia, where he requested and obtained a meeting with Congresswoman Flora Blackford.

Caesar had been attracted by Flora's reputation as the "conscience of Congress" and believed she would be willing to take action on behalf of the endangered Negroes. For her part, she felt great admiration for his courage.[42]

Blackford went to see President Al Smith to confront him with the photos and inspire him to expose Confederate crimes to the world. Smith resisted Flora's insistence for fear that, in the wake of the fall of Sandusky, Ohio, such a move would be seen as an act of desperation. He did tell her he would support her if she succeeded in moving the public but he could not take the lead.[43]

He would later publicize Caesar's photos as a quid pro quo to prevent Flora from publicizing the apparent boondoggle in Hanford, Washington that was in fact the beginning of the US program to develop the superbomb.[44]

After meeting Flora Blackford, Caesar went back across the lines to continue his underground work in Confederate territory.



Caligula was a Negro blacksmith in the Confederate States. During the Second Great War, he joined Spartacus' band of guerrillas rather than "have his population reduced". In 1943 he built a number of machinegun mounts for several stolen pick-up trucks to be used to harass Confederates around the town of Vienna, Georgia. His design was quite clever. It consisted of a short steel pipe fastened to the bed of the truck and a longer pipe whose outside diameter matched the inside diameter of the first pipe. The machinegun was attached to this second pipe. This way, if the truck had to be abandoned, only the short pipe was lost.[45]


(RE-DttE, IatD)

Cambyses was a bartender in the Brass Monkey. By cooperating with the Confederate government, he was one of the few Negroes in Covington, Kentucky to remain after it was cleaned out for a Population Reduction.[46] Cincinnatus Driver was horrified by the thought of how many people must have died because of Cambyses' betrayals, and left the Brass Monkey in great sadness.



Sergeant Cannizzaro was with the U.S. Army Quartermaster Corp during the Second Great War. In 1943 he expressed frustration with the late arrival of a truck convoy to his depot in Kentucky. The drivers, led by Cincinnatus Driver, responded angrily as they had been delayed by an ambush by Confederate bushwhackers who had killed and wounded several of their colleges. Cannizzaro was taken aback and sought out an officer to report this insubordination. The officer heard out the drivers and took their side much to the confusion of Cannizzaro.[47]

Hezekiah Carroll[]


Hezekiah Carroll was a Texas Ranger. After Wright Patman declared Texas an independent republic, Carroll personally informed Jefferson Pinkard that he would be arrested at Camp Humble as required by the armistice Patman had forged with the United States. Pinkard was galled by the hypocrisy shown by Texans, as most had been quite happy with the Population Reduction.[48]

Jack Carter[]


Jack Carter was a Confederate aristocrat who maintained the Tarkas Estate in Richmond. He hated and looked down upon Jake Featherston and the Freedom Party. He protected the Negroes in his employ out of noblesse oblige; their family had served his since before the Revolutionary War. When Richmond fell to the United States, Carter's Negroes could come out of hiding. U.S. General Abner Dowling met with Carter, expecting to find him a kindred spirit in racial altruism, who could be recruited as a collaborator. Carter, far from taking Dowling's hand in friendship, made it quite clear to Dowling that he hated the U.S. even worse than the Freedom Party.[49]

See also[]

Nelson Cash[]


Captain Nelson Cash (d. 1943), CSA, commanded Jorge Rodriguez's company in Virginia and Tennessee during the Second Great War. He treated his men in a kindly fashion because he had bastards like Sgt. Hugo Blackledge to handle the dirty work. For instance, when Rodriguez received a telegram informing him of his father's death, Cash was sympathetic but unable to grant him compassionate leave. Blackledge ensured he didn't take informal leave.[50]

Cash was decapitated by U.S. shelling during their offensive from their bridgehead on the south side of the Cumberland River.[51]

Literary comment[]

His name combines late-20th-century country music legends Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash.

José Maria Castillo[]


Senior Private José Maria Castillo was a soldier with the Veracruz Division of the Mexican Army. In 1942 his division was one of three that Emperor Francisco Jose II provided the Confederate States and which were used to protect the flanks during Operation Coalscuttle. Castillo was captured and personally questioned by General Irving Morrell. He eagerly responded to anything asked as he was fearful what might happen to him if he didn't. When Morrell informed him, through an interpreter, that no harm would come to him, Castillo kissed Morrell's hand. Morrell was uncomfortable with this show of obsequiousness.[52]

Lee Castle[]


Colonel Lee Castle commanded a regiment of barrels under General George Patton during Operation Blackbeard. When Colonel Tom Colleton demanded he send his barrels into Sandusky to reach Lake Erie, Castle refused. Not only had Patton explicitly forbidden it, Castle was smart enough to know that barrels would take heavy casualties if they engaged in house-to-house fighting. He suggested Colleton try the "flyboys". Colleton did and was more successful at getting bombers, both Razorbacks and Mules to provide air support.[53]



Caswell was a petty officer aboard the USS Oregon. He showed George Enos Jr. to his station and where to hang his hammock when Enos was re-assigned to the Oregon in 1944.[54]



Cavendish was a soldier in Corporal Armstrong Grimes' platoon during the fighting against the Mormon uprising in the Second Great War. On the final drive to Salt Lake City Cavendish was seriously wounded by a Mormon mortar barrage. While still under fire Grimes and Sgt. Rex Stowe crawled out to Cavendish, performed what first aid they could and then Grimes carried him on his back to the nearest aid station.[55]



Charlie was the head of the Customs Inspection post in Mooers, New York in the early 1940s. He became suspicious of Dr. Leonard O'Doull when the latter was traveling into the U.S. to rejoin the U.S. Army Medical Corps. Dr. O'Doull was traveling with a U.S. Passport that had been issued just before the Great War and a letter from Jedediah Quigley. Charlie detained O'Doull until his story could be checked out.[56]



Clancy was one General Abner Dowling's drivers during the Second Great War. After Dowling's Eleventh Army captured Camp Determination in 1943, Clancy brought Jethro Gwynn, the mayor of Snyder, Texas to tour the camp on Dowling's orders.[57]

Malcolm Clay[]


Malcolm Clay (b. c. 1906) was a sergeant in the Confederate Army during the Second Great War. Upon the wounding of Captain Joe Mouton in 1941, he temporarily commanded the First Richmond Howitzers, the battery which had once been commanded by Jake Featherston in the Great War. On a tour of the front, Featherston met Clay and realized that, despite Clay's commanding the battery, he held the rank of sergeant. Featherston commissioned Clay a lieutenant on the spot and made him the battery's permanent commander, declaring "In this here war, people who deserve to be promoted are going to get promoted"--in reference to Featherston's having been repeatedly passed up for promotion a generation earlier.[58]

Military offices
(Southern Victory)
Preceded by
Joe Mouton
Commander of the First Richmond Howitzers
Succeeded by
Office abolished



Cletus was a member of the Freedom Party Guards and in 1943 served at Camp Determination. As part of his duties, he was the driver for the camp commandant Jefferson Pinkard.[59]



Clint was a Troop Leader in the Freedom Party Guards in Covington, Kentucky. In early 1942 Clint led a squad in a raid of the Brass Monkey. The purpose was to ensure all the blacks in the bar had proper documentation, especially passbooks.

Cincinnatus Driver was present and handed over his forged passbook for inspection. While it passed muster, his name was on a watch list and so he was detained.[60]



Sergeant Cochrane was with the Confederate Bomb Disposal Unit in Richmond during the Second Great War. In 1942 General Clarence Potter struck up a conversation with Cochrane when the latter manned a barricade blocking a street where a U.S bomb had landed and failed to explode.[61]



Colonel Colby was a Military Tribunals Judge with the U.S. Occupation Authority in Canada. Colby presided over the trial of Mary McGregor Pomeroy on charges of terrorism and the murders of Laura Secord Moss and her daughter. Clarence Smoot, Pomeroy's lawyer, considered him a fairly reasonable man, for a military judge. Colby convicted Pomeroy but signaled mercy would be granted if she pleaded for it. Since the best she could hope for was a life sentence in jail, Pomeroy refused, stating she did what she did for her country. She was duly sentenced to death by firing squad and became a martyr for the resistance movement.[62]



Collins (d. 1943) was a Confederate nuclear physicist working with Henderson V. FitzBelmont on the building of a superbomb on behalf of his government in the Second Great War. He was an expert in jovium extraction. He died in a US airstrike on his laboratory in 1943.[63]

Confederate Connie[]


Confederate Connie was the alias of a female Confederate broadcaster who aired propaganda programs designed to demoralize U.S. troops, including a report on the massacre of Confederate civilians by U.S. troops at Hardeeville, South Carolina. In truth, most U.S. soldiers enjoyed her sexy voice but discounted her propaganda.[64]

Literary Comment[]

Connie's role is similar to OTL's Tokyo Rose, Axis Sally, and other Axis propaganda broadcasters of World War II.



Conley was a guard at the Andersonville prisoner of war camp. Like most guards, he enjoyed taunting the U.S. POWs with tales of Confederate victories and U.S atrocities. One day he mocked Jonathan Moss about the U.S. Authorities shooting women in Canada. Moss read the newspaper story that Conley gave him and discovered that Mary McGregor Pomeroy had been executed for the murders of his wife and daughter. Moss coldly told Conley that Pomeroy deserved to die and that he would have gladly been in the firing squad for what she had done to him. Conley was shocked and left dumbfounded.[65]

Jane Cooley[]


Jane Cooley was the sole child of Pat Cooley. In 1942 his wife Sally wrote telling him that Jane had come down with the chicken pox. However, Jane fully recovered.[66]

Sally Cooley[]


Sally Cooley was the wife of Pat Cooley. In 1942 she wrote Pat that their daughter had caught chicken pox and that she was concerned she might catch it too as she didn't remember having it as a child. However, Jane recovered and Sally didn't come down with it.[67]

Hank Coomer[]


Lt. General Hank Coomer commanded the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia during the first year of the Second Great War. Coomer met U.S. general Daniel MacArthur's advance on Richmond in 1941, slowing the advance to a crawl, then halting it altogether at the Battles of Fredericksburg.

Coomer hailed from Atlanta, arising from humble origins, like most of the Confederate military officers of the Second Great war. He'd joined the Freedom Party in 1922. He was a few years past forty when the Second Great War began.[68]



"Country" was the nickname of a sailor George Enos Jr. served with aboard the USS Oregon during the Second Great War.[69]

Cousin of a prominent member of the Freedom Party[]


The cousin of a prominent member of the Freedom Party prevailed upon his powerful kinsman to obtain for him through nepotism a plum assignment far from the front in the Second Great War, despite his being of the right age and of sufficient health to serve in the Confederate Army. That plum assignment wound up being guard duty at the death camp Camp Humble in Humble, Texas.

In 1944, Ferdinand Koenig ordered Humble's commandant, Jefferson Pinkard, to mobilize as many of his guards as possible for combat duty. Pinkard mobilized the cousin, and the cousin incredulously declared "Do you know who my cousin is?" Pinkard neither knew nor cared; while the guard may well have had a prominent cousin, he was not prominent enough to countermand a direct order from Koenig.[70]

Andrew Crowley[]


Andrew Crowley was the mayor of Atlanta before it fell to the United States Army. He approached U.S. General Irving Morrell, who confronted him about Atlanta's role in shipping Negroes to camps. Crowley inadvertently acknowledged that they had done so, and was horrified by idea that Morrell would execute 50 white people for the death of any Negro. Morrell then angrily banished Crowley from his presence.[71]

Crowley was later arrested for his involvement in the Population Reduction and replaced by Clark Butler in the U.S.-created position of town commissioner.[72]

Political offices
(Southern Victory)
Preceded by
Last known is James M. Calhoun
Mayor of Atlanta
Succeeded by
Clark Butler
as Town Commissioner



General Cummins was responsible for counterintelligence for the Confederate Army. While a solid officer, he lacked the imagination of some of his peers such as General Clarence Potter. As such, General Nathan Bedford Forrest III and President Jake Featherston occasionally assigned Potter extra duties that rightfully belonged to Cummins but which needed something extra that Potter had.[73].

On such extra duty was the gopher trap that Forrest asked Potter to devise. While Cummins was also given the assignment and he proceeded in the usual plodding, unimaginative way, Potter devised an unusual approach which ultimately proved successful.[74]

Ken Davenport[]


Ken Davenport was a captain in the United States Navy during the Second Great War. He was stationed at the Boston Naval Yard in 1943. That year he was a member of a review board that debriefed Lieutenant Sam Carsten on the situation in the North Atlantic and assigned Carsten's ship, the USS Josephus Daniels, to smuggle weapons to Cuba, where a young guerrilla named Fidel was assembling a bi-racial anti-Freedom Party resistance movement.[75]



Dean (d 1943) was a Confederate nuclear physicist working with Henderson V. FitzBelmont on the building of a superbomb on behalf of his government in the Second Great War. He was an expert in jovium extraction. He died in a US airstrike on his laboratory in 1943.[76]

Lloyd Deevers[]


Captain Lloyd Deevers commanded Armstrong Grimes' company during the Utah campaign. Grimes much preferred Deevers to his platoon commander, Lt. Streczyk, since he had a good idea of what he was doing unlike the lieutenant.

While advancing on Salt Lake City, Grimes infuriated a Mormon Major who was under flag of truce by forcing him to strip before crossing over to the U.S. lines. Captain Deevers offered to transfer Grimes to another company to avoid any potential retribution but Grimes declined. He lived to regret it, since the Mormons did seem to concentrate their efforts on his company, but he did live.[77]



Delancey was a Confederate nuclear physicist working with Henderson V. FitzBelmont on the building of a superbomb on behalf of his government in the Second Great War. He was an expert in jovium extraction. He lost a leg and a hand in a US airstrike on his laboratory in 1943.[78]



Delilah (d. 1943) was the wife of Aurelius. She was saved from a Freedom Party clean-out of the Terry when Jerry Dover suggested Aurelius bring his family to the Huntsman's Lodge one night.[79] She and her husband were eventually picked up by another sweep.[80]



Demetrius (d. 1942) was a Confederate black man and inmate of Camp Determination.

In 1942 he asked Hipolito Rodriguez what had happened to the prisoners from Jackson, Mississippi. Rodriguez stuck to the cover story that some had been shipped to El Paso and others to Lubbock. Demetrius said he had heard otherwise, that they had been killed. Rodriguez denied it and demanded to know Demetrius' barracks number. Demetrius gave it (number 27) and then quickly left when Rodriguez gestured with his sub-machinegun.

Rodriguez reported this conversation to the officer of the watch who, in turn, reported it to his superiors. Four days later, Barracks 27 was cleaned out and its occupants told they were being shipped to El Paso. Demetrius hung back and told Rodriguez he didn't want to go. Rodriguez spoke with Chief Assault Leader Higbe, who was in charge of the operation, and then told Demetrius to come with him for questioning. When they left the prison compound and disappeared from view around the guard barracks, Rodriguez shot Demetrius in the back of the head killing him instantly.[81]

Jaime Diaz[]


Jaime Diaz was the proprietor of the general store in Baroyeca, Sonora.[82] As a shopkeeper, Diaz was wealthier than even the most well-to-do farmer such as Hipolito Rodriguez. Despite his wealth, he complained about the way things were just like everyone else did.[83]

David Dillon[]


Doctor David Dillon was the regimental medical officer for Tom Colleton's CSA regiment during the Second Great War. He mildly protested Colleton's promise to jump into Lake Erie for a swim if they reached the lake first. Dr. Dillon was concerned with the nasty chemicals the U.S. dumped into the lake as sewage but had no answer to Colleton's question of all the nasty chemicals the Yankees fired at them in artillery shells.[84]



Captain Dinwiddie commanded "A" Company, First Battalion in Lt. Col. Tom Colleton's regiment. In early 1942 while the Army of Kentucky stood on the defense in Sandusky, a major fire fight broke out in Dinwiddie's sector. Colleton contacted Dinwiddie and offered him artillery support. Dinwiddie declined, indicating the fire fight resulted from Confederate soldiers attempting to shoot a U.S. sniper who had wounded Lt. Jenks and that it was not the beginnings of a U.S. offensive. Dinwiddie proved correct as the shooting died down after a half hour.[85]

Lou Doggett[]

(TG, IatD)

Lou Doggett was the mayor of Humble, Texas. He was keen for Jefferson Pinkard to establish Camp Humble, especially after Pinkard half promised he would use local labor and materials in its construction and take on some locals as guards.[86] However, the company that set up the ovens and the crematoriums had done a poor job, and Doggett was quite vocal about the smoke and odor the death camp produced. By 1944, the Second Great War was going badly for the Confederacy, and Pinkard's ties to President Jake Featherston didn't intimidate Doggett any longer. In fact, Doggett openly shared his "defeatist" beliefs with Pinkard.[87]



Dolf was a truck driver for the United States Army during the Second Great War. He was a colleague of Cincinnatus Driver. Dolf tried to entice Driver into a poker game, but Driver declined.[88]



Don (d. 1943) was a member of Chester Martin's platoon in Tennessee. His mutilated body was found in the woods outside of Woodbury, Tennessee after he was killed and his body defiled by bushwackers. In retaliation, Martin, acting with the accord of Captain Hubert Rhodes, took 20 hostages from Woodbury. They were executed the following day.[89]



Donnelly was a soldier in the United States Army. He was careless and developed a case of gonorrhea during the Second Great War. He was treated and chastised by Leonard O'Doull.[90]

Bruce Donovan[]


Bruce Donovan was a truck driver for the United States Army during the Second Great War. He was a colleague of Cincinnatus Driver. Like many in the U.S., Donovan was indifferent to blacks, but his time with Driver taught him that blacks were capable and intelligent.

In 1943 he supported Driver in a dispute with Sgt. Cannizzaro of the Quartermaster Corp.[91]

Darius Douglas[]


Darius Douglas (d. 1944) was the mayor of Hardeeville, South Carolina. As such, he'd overseen the deportation of the town's Negro population to death camps. When the United State Army arrived, Douglas was unrepentant about his role in the Population Reduction. In response, U.S. Lt. Boris Lavochkin, the senior officer present, shot Douglas in the face. That act helped touch off a massacre in Hardeeville minutes later, as U.S. troops killed nearly every inhabitant of the town.[92]

Mrs. Douglas[]


Mrs. Douglas (d. 1944) was the wife of Hardeeville mayor Darius Douglas. Her horrified screams upon learning that her husband was dead helped touch off the massacre of civilians by U.S. troops, which claimed her life and several others.[93]



Duffy was a wireless operator in Col. Tom Colleton's regiment. He carried a semi-portable wireless transmitter/receiver in a big pack on his back and stayed close to Colleton. This was to allow the colonel to call for artillery support and for Mules to bomb U.S. strongpoints. While watching Duffy crawl towards him while they were under fire, Colleton thought that with the big wireless pack Duffy looked like a human dromedary.[94]

Wally Eastlake[]


Wally Eastlake was a CPO on board the USS Josephus Daniels. He played one of King Neptune's mermaids when the ship crossed the Equator. After Myron Zwilling assigned the various shellbacks as prize crews aboard captured Argentine ships, Eastlake brought his concern that Zwilling had been vindictive to Captain Sam Carsten. Carsten confronted Zwilling, who transferred off the Josepus Daniels. However, Carsten also realized he would have to transfer Eastlake off the ship since he couldn't let the crew think the CPO had the ability to break officers[95]

Nick Einsiedel[]


Colonel Nick Einsiedel was Michael Pound's regimental CO and the local commander in Tallahassee, Florida at the end of the Second Great War.[96] He answered directly to military governor Irving Morrell. When the citizens began boycotting merchants that sold to the U.S. Army, Morrell ordered Einsiedel to break the boycott.[97]



Ekberg was a sailor onboard the USS Josephus Daniels. When George Enos Jr. became the loader on a 40mm anti-aircraft gun, Ekberg replaced him as shell-jerker.[98][99]



Emil was a truck driver for the United States Army during the Second Great War. He was a colleague of Cincinnatus Driver. Emil fancied himself an excellent poker player. His friends thought otherwise.[100]



Ernie operated a diner in Hugo, Alabama. During the U.S. occupation after the Second Great War, Ernie participated in a boycott. He refused to sell Armstrong Grimes a sandwich, stating that Grimes had headed up a firing squad the previous day that had shot his brother-in-law. The next day, he was arrested by Grimes and a squad of soldiers for again refusing to do business with the U.S. troops. Grimes horrified onlookers by telling them he was taking old Ernie to a camp. This strong action caused the boycott to collapse.[101]



Eubanks was a PFC in the United States Army. A sexual encounter with a woman named Betsy left him a case of VD, which was treated by Leonard O'Doull.[102]

Horton Everett[]


Horton Everett replaced Davey Hatton as the cook onboard the Sweet Sue when the latter was killed by a British naval fighter airplane. Although his cooking was different from that of Hatton, both Captain Albert and George Enos Jr. found it far from bad.[103]



Felipe was a young busboy in the Huntsman's Lodge. Like many of his fellow busboys, Felipe was a Mexican hired to replace the Negroes who'd been victims of the Population Reduction.[104]

Jerry Fields[]


Jerry Fields was the loader for Sgt. Michael Pound[105] in a barrel commanded by 2nd Lt. Bryce Poffenberger. In 1942 the barrel was hit by an armor-piercing round and set on fire outside Canton, Ohio. While escaping from the turret, Poffenberger was killed by machinegun fire but Fields and Pound escaped unharmed. The two assisted Tor Svenson, the driver, when he was wounded in the leg also by machinegun fire.[106]

Morris Fishbein[]


Morris Fishbein was in basic training with George Enos Jr. in 1941 at a training camp in Providence. He was well indoctrinated in the dialectic and explained repeatedly to Enos and his other bunkmates how the seemingly meaningless training in marching, etc. was meant to pound out their individualism.[107]

Despite Fishbein's cynical views, he did not advocate the revolt of the proletariat because he wanted to "blow the reactionaries in the god-damn CSA to hell and gone".[108] As such, he completed basic training and was assigned specialty training in anti-submersible warfare.[109]

Teddy Fitzgerald[]


Teddy Fitzgerald (d. 1941) was the bow machine gunner in Colonel Irving Morrell's personal barrel during the initial phases of Operation Blackbeard at the start of the Second Great War.[110] He and the driver were killed outside Plain City, Ohio when Morrell's barrel was destroyed by an armor-piercing round.[111]



Captain Fitzwilliams was a military prosecutor with the U.S. Occupation Authority in Canada. Fitzwilliams prosecuted Mary McGregor Pomeroy on charges of terrorism and the murders of Laura Secord Moss and her daughter. In addition to the prima facie evidence of Pomeroy being arrested in the act of building a bomb, Fitzwilliams linked her to the bombing of Karamanlides' general store. He also submitted the previous statement by Wilf Rokeby linking Pomeroy to Moss. Clarence Smoot did his best and attempted to discredit Rokeby but Colonel Colby convicted Pomeroy and sentenced her to death.[112]

Wally Fodor[]


Wally Fodor was George Enos Jr.'s anti-aircraft gun chief aboard the USS Oregon in the last years of the Second Great War.[113] He survived the war, and ended with the Oregon off the coast of Miami. He was unharmed in the bumboat bombing and a chance remark by Enos led him to stencil "Grim Reaper 1" and "Grim Reaper 2" on the twin barrels of the 40mm gun.[114] He accepted the fact that he and his crew would be on occupation duty for the foreseeable future, but didn't begrudge Enos when the latter was discharged with help from Joseph P. Kennedy[115]



Chief Petty Officer Fogerty served on the USS Townsend. In 1942 he took charge of a group of newly assigned sailors (including George Enos Jr.) when they reported to the ship. He assigned them their bunks and then took them on a tour of the ship, from bow to stern and from the Y-range antenna to the bilges.[116]

Benjamin Frankheimer[]


Colonel Benjamin Frankheimer, United States Army, was responsible for occupying and maintaining Washington University, and guarding the Confederacy's nuclear physicists. He took his job very seriously, and detained General Abner Dowling in order to determine his identity before he allowed Dowling to speak to Henderson V. FitzBelmont.

Dowling had assumed Frankheimer was a scientist, until he saw the various medals Frankheimer wore.[117]



Doctor Freedman was a short, swarthy Jew who had a medical office near T Wharf in Boston. A recruitment petty officer with the United States Navy sent George Enos Jr. to Dr. Freedman for a physical as part of the enlistment process.[118]

Giovanni Garzetti[]


Lieutenant Giovanni Garzetti commanded a U.S. platoon in Ohio during Operation Blackbeard. Private Pratt, one of his soldiers, brought Major Jonathan Moss to him for questioning. Pratt had captured Moss after the latter's fighter was shot down by a Hound Dog and was suspicious of him since his accent wasn't quite right.

Lt. Garzetti questioned Moss briefly and confirmed his claims of being a U.S. pilot. He ordered Pratt to return Moss's sidearm and to chase down a medic to see to Moss' sprained ankle. After the medic bandaged Moss, Garzetti provided transportation to the nearest airfield.[119]



Goldblatt ran a drug store in Covington, Kentucky in the early 1940s. In 1941, Cincinnatus Driver recognized Luther Bliss when the latter came into Goldblatt's as the former was leaving. He reported the encounter to Lucullus Wood who had not been aware of Bliss' return to Kentucky.[120]

Isidore Goldstein[]


Major Isidore Goldstein was an attorney with the United States Judge-Advocate's staff. He was Jefferson Pinkard's first attorney as Pinkard faced trial for crimes against humanity. He admitted to Pinkard that he believed him to be guilty, but that he'd do everything he could to get Pinkard acquitted.[121] Unfortunately, Goldstein was injured in a car accident, and Jonathan Moss replaced him.[122]

Barry Goodman[]


Major Barry Goodman successfully prosecuted Jefferson Pinkard for crimes against humanity. While he despised Pinkard, he had no animosity against Colonel Jonathan Moss, Pinkard's defense attorney. He felt even the guilty deserved a defense and that Moss was only doing his duty.[123]



Goodwin was an Assistant Secretary of the Interior to Secretary Henry Wallace during President Al Smith's shortened second term of office.

In late 1941 Congresswoman Flora Blackford telephoned Goodwin regarding a large appropriation for construction work in western Washington which did not explain what the work was for. Goodwin had no knowledge of the project and was angered the item appeared in his department's appropriation. Unbeknownst to Goodwin, this was the War Department's subterfuge to hide the funding for its superbomb project.[124]



Gordie was a truck driver for the United States Army during the Second Great War. He was a colleague of Cincinnatus Driver. Gordie had lost his leg during the Great War. When the convoy was attacked by Confederate bushwhackers outside Ellijay, Gordie's artificial leg was hit in the knee-joint. He managed to work the gearshift by jamming the leg on the clutch with his hand. The leg was sent out for repairs, and worked more smoothly than before.[125]

Ted Griffith[]


Major Ted Griffith was a barrel commander in the Confederate Army. He been too young to serve in the Great War. From his accent, one could tell he was from the deep south, probably Alabama or Mississippi.

In 1941 he and his friend Lt. Col. Mel Lempriere joined Lt. Col. Tom Colleton in the officers' club in Fort Mahan. During the ensuing talk he mentioned that while he was more than satisfied with General George Patton as a commander, he was frustrated with him for his nitpicking on minor things such as keeping uniforms neat and clean. He found that impossible to do in the field especially with the need for constant maintenance of barrels.[126]

Don Griffiths[]


Don Griffiths was a second lieutenant in the United States Army early in the Second Great War. He commanded a barrel during the Pittsburgh campaign.

Like many second lieutenants, he was quietly led by a senior sergeant until he learned the nuances of commanding troops in combat--in his case, gunner Michael Pound.

Griffiths learned the trade of barrel command well, and proved to be a brave officer who was willing to ride with his head and shoulders out of the cupola and exposed to small-arms fire so that he could have a better view of the situation and of possible targets. While doing this in Ohio in the spring of 1943, he was wounded by a Confederate machine gun.[127]

While recuperating, he recommended that Pound be commissioned a lieutenant and given command of a platoon of Mark III barrels. Many other officers had attempted to promote Pound, including, on numerous occasions, General Irving Morrell. Griffiths however made his recommendation directly to Pound's divisional commander, Brigadier General John Wade. Wade did not give Pound any opportunity to decline the commission.[128]

Jonah Gurney[]


Jonah Gurney was a young Freedom Party Guardsman at Camp Determination. He was too young to have been a veteran of the Great War and so was careless with the maintenance of his sub-machine gun. One day he mocked Hipolito Rodriguez for his care and constant cleaning of his own gun joking Rodriguez was married to it. Rodriguez mocked back angering Gurney who called Rodriguez asshole buddies with the camp commandant.

This escalated to the point where Rodriguez pointed his sub-machine gun at Gurney's nose and threatened to blow his head off. Troop Leader Tom Porter intervened telling Rodriguez to put down his gun. Rodriguez did so and then Porter told Gurney to pack up, he was being reassigned. Porter also told Gurney he was a slacker and that the only reason he didn't let Rodriguez shoot him was the amount of paperwork needed to keep Rodriguez out of trouble.

Gurney protested, trying to get the other guards to take his side but no one said anything. He deflated when Porter gently told him not to try and make a mutiny and then silently packed his duffle bag and slunk off.[129]

Don Gutteridge[]


Don Gutteridge was an American Colonel and spymaster. He worked as a handler for several spies in the Confederacy during the Second Great War. Among the spies he handled was Melanie Leigh until Jerry Dover called her to the attention of Confederate authorities. After the war, Gutteridge and Leigh visited Dover at the Huntsman's Lodge.[130]

Jethro Gwynn[]


Jethro Gwynn (d. 1943) was the mayor of Snyder, Texas. After United States forces under General Abner Dowling overran the town, Dowling, his adjutant Major Angelo Toricelli, and Dowling's driver, Clancy, took Gwynn on a tour of the burial trenches near Camp Determination. At first, Gwynn refused to acknowledge any knowledge of the purpose of Camp Determination, but he eventually admitted that he did have some idea of their purpose. While disgusted by the corpses, he was distraught once he found out that the gold had been removed from the corpses' teeth. He hanged himself from the chandelier in his realty office that night.[131]

Stuart Halliday[]


Stuart Halliday was an automobile mechanic in Alexandria, Louisiana. In 1941, Jefferson Pinkard drove a Pegasus Truck to Halliday's garage and asked that he install an airtight metal box in its cargo bed. He did so for $225.

Halliday was puzzled by the job especially since Pinkard insisted on having one small hole in the otherwise sealed box. Unbeknownst to Halliday, Pinkard ran a pipe from the truck exhaust to the hole, allowing carbon-monoxide to fill the box. This would asphyxiate the blacks in the truck when they were supposedly being transported to another camp, making the population reduction procedure more efficient and less difficult on the guards. Pinkard had been inspired by the suicide of one such guard, Chick Blades, who had run a hose from his auto's exhaust to the inside of his vehicle.

While more efficient than shooting blacks, it still tied up trucks that could have been used in the war effort. As Jake Featherston said when informed of the idea "this is part of what we've been looking for ... [but] may not be the final solution".[132]

Billy Joe Hamilton[]


Assault Troop Leader Billy Joe Hamilton took charge of the troop of new volunteers of the Confederate Veterans' Brigades (including Hipolito Rodriguez) when they arrived by train at Fort Worth. He saw to it that they boarded the correct buses to take them to a Freedom Party Guards training camp just outside Decatur, Texas. He also saw to it they filled out the necessary paperwork and assigned them their tents.[133]

After taking care of the administrative tasks, Hamilton supervised the training the troop received. Although veterans of the Great War, the troop received training in the care and operations of the new Confederate sub-machine guns. Many had taken prisoners and a few had been prisoners in the previous war. Nevertheless, Hamilton ensured they received training in guard duty. Hamilton also trained them in the operation of the special trucks used to asphyxiate black prisoners.[134]

Ira Hamilton[]


In civilian life, Major Ira Hamilton was a mathematics professor at Washington University. During the Second Great War he was inducted into the Confederate Army and served in the encryption section of the Signals Branch.

In 1942 Hamilton was stationed in the Gray House. President Jake Featherston personally gave him a letter to encrypt, in the tightest code possible, and to send it to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The letter requested British assistance in an attempt to get Canada to rise in rebellion against the U.S. occupation authorities. The C.S. had been unsuccessful to that point; they might as well have been Yankees themselves.[135]



Hank was the doorman at a Philadelphia apartment building that served members of the United States Congress. He was an effective and helpful doorman and endeared himself to many of his tenants, including Flora and Hosea Blackford. He was a supporter of the Socialist Party.



Hanratty was an American soldier. In 1944, his platoon encountered Spartacus' guerrilla band. Hanratty escorted Jonathan Moss and Nick Cantarella back to the U.S. lines and turned them over to the Division HQ sentries.[136]



Major Hendrickson was the U.S. soldier who interrogated Jerry Dover after the Second Great War. Upon determining Dover was not a Freedomite, and operating on the recommendations of Cassius Madison, Hendrickson administered a loyalty oath to Dover and saw to his release.[137]



Herk was a private in Armstrong Grimes' platoon, replacing Whitey. Grimes initially found Herk to be eager, but unskilled. When the platoon took Confederate fire, Herk was slow to hit the dirt, but escaped without being shot. When the platoon took fire from screaming meemies, Herk survived with nothing worse than a bloody nose.[138]

After a few weeks of hard fighting and surviving, Grimes and the rest of the platoon accepted Herk as a veteran.[139]



Hesiod was a black man in Covington, Kentucky. After the Freedom Party fenced off the black section of Covington in 1942, Hesiod despaired and turned to drink. During one binge in the Brass Monkey, he declared that the blacks should fight back. The bartender and Cincinnatus Driver both urged him to stay quiet for fear of retribution.[140]



Chief Assault Leader Higbe was an officer with the Freedom Party Guards at Camp Determination.

In 1942 Higbe was in charge of a clean-out of prison Barracks 27. Troop Leader Hipolito Rodriguez had previously reported that one prisoner had told him he had heard inmates were being killed rather than transferred. Senior officers decided to try to nip the (true) rumor in the bud. During the clean-out, the prisoner again approached Rodriguez and told him he didn't want to go to El Paso with the rest. Rodriguez spoke privately with Higbe, telling him that he would take the prisoner out of the compound and kill him separately once they were out of eyesight. Higbe agreed and Rodriguez successfully carried out his plan.

Higbe received a letter of commendation on his file from Camp Commandant Jefferson Pinkard for carrying out a smooth operation.[141]



Himelfarb was a major in the U.S. Army. He sent out an ultimatum to Loganville, Georgia to turn over the people responsible for murdering Vince Donofrio and Billie Jean, or hostages taken from the town would be killed. No one surrendered, and the hostages were shot.[142]

Vic Hodding[]


Captain Vic Hodding was with U.S. Army Intelligence during the Second Great War. In 1943 he headed a successful operation that led to the capture of Confederate Colonel Travis W. W. Oliphant from behind enemy lines. During the operation, Oliphant put up more resistance than expected and was wounded in the leg and shoulder.

Hodding had Oliphant brought to a hospital in Cincinnati for treatment and interrogation while under drugs. Dr. Leonard O'Doull reluctantly injected Oliphant with sodium pentathol which had the effect of making Oliphant act intoxicated. He rambled under questioning by Hodding but provided sufficient information for Hodding to continue to question him for some time.[143]

Wilcy Hoyt[]


Wilcy Hoyt was a Freedom Party Guardsman. After Nathan Bedford Forrest III failed in his amateurish coup against President Jake Featherston in 1944, Hoyt oversaw increased security in the Gray House.[144]



Petty Officer Hrolfson served as a wireless operator on the USS Josephus Daniels in 1942, during the Second Great War. He informed Sam Carsten, the ship's commander, that Britain and Germany were each claiming victory in the Battle of the North Atlantic.[145]

Jack Husak[]


Second Lieutenant Jack Husak (d. 1942) commanded a platoon in Pennsylvania for six weeks during the Second Great War when a recuperated Sgt. Chester Martin was assigned as his senior sergeant. Husak was an angry young man with a chip on his shoulder and sarcastically asked Martin if he was going to be his new nursemaid. Martin denied it while thinking to himself he was.

This poor beginning did not matter as Husak did not survive the trip back to his platoon. The truck the two, along with five replacement privates, were traveling in was blocked by refugees on the road. After Martin and the other soldiers exited the truck to clear the way, the group were machine gunned by a Mule which also hit the truck with a bomb, killing Husak.[146]



General Ironhewer, United States Army, accepted the surrender of Confederate General George Patton in Birmingham, Alabama in the closing days of the Second Great War in 1944. Ironhewer was a long-faced bald man.[147]

Literary Note[]

The name is a literal translation of the German "Eisenhauer." The description of the character's appearance suggests General Dwight Eisenhower.

Bald Eagle Isbell[]


Chief Petty Officer "Bald Eagle" Isbell was an instructor at the U.S. Naval Training Base in Providence.[148] He instructed George Enos Jr. in gunnery, both with the old fashioned one-pounder and the modern twin Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft guns. Isbell put in a recommendation to personnel that Enos receive specialist training in antiaircraft gunnery after Enos let slip his father had died when the USS Ericsson was illegally sunk and that his mother had killed Roger Kimball.[149]

CPO Isbell was called the "Bald Eagle" behind his back by the recruits because he had only a fringe of grey hair on his head.

Lt. Jackson[]


Second Lieutenant Jackson commanded a company in Lt. Col. Tom Colleton's regiment during Operation Coalscuttle. Although inexperienced, Colleton had no choice but to keep Jackson in command as he did not receive an experienced replacement officer prior to the start of the operation.[150]

Joe Jakimiuk[]


Private, First Class Joe Jakimiuk was in Sgt. Chester Martin's platoon during the Ohio campaign. During the pincer attack from Meadville, Jakimiuk indiscriminately sprayed sub-machine gun fire from the back of a barrel with a captured Confederate gun. He made Martin think he should have been named Vito or something similar since he reminded him of a Chicago gangster. Instead Jakimiuk was a big, blond Pole from that city.[151]

Falstaff Jeffries[]


Falstaff Jeffries was a grocer in Snyder, Texas. After U.S. forces led by General Abner Dowling overran the town in 1943, Jeffries' grocery was endangered. He approached Dowling and demanded that the lines be opened so his business wouldn't go under. Dowling was unsympathetic, and refused.

On meeting Jeffries, Dowling was disappointed at the man's slim physique and dour personality. The name "Falstaff" had naturally invoked the magnificent wide-girthed clown from a series of William Shakespeare plays.[152]

Lieutenant Jenkins[]


Lieutenant Jenkins commanded a Confederate platoon in Virginia during General Daniel MacArthur's invasion. In 1941 his troops captured Jonathan Moss when the latter's fighter was shot down and he was forced to bail out. Jenkins took Moss to his captain who briefly questioned him. The captain then ordered Jenkins to take Moss to the civilian jail in Spotsylvania so he could be securely held until he could be shipped to a POW camp, which turned out to be in Andersonville, Georgia.[153]

Jenkins (wireless operator)[]


Jenkins was General Irving Morrell's wireless operator in 1943. Morrell ordered Jenkins to transmit the code-word "Rosebud" to begin Operation Rosebud. After transmitting the code-word, Jenkins asked what it meant. Morrell replied "tough sledding for the Confederates". Shortly after, Jenkins reported that a Confederate relief force was advancing on Cambridge, Ohio. Morrell organized a flank attack that stopped their advance.[154]



Lieutenant Jenks served under Captain Dinwiddie in Lt. Col. Tom Colleton's regiment. In early 1942 Jenks was seriously wounded by a U.S. sniper outside Sandusky which triggered a major fire fight.[155]

Antonio Jones[]


Antonio Jones (pronounced Hone-ace) was a black man from the Confederate state of Cuba. He had once worked for the Confederate States Navy, but defected to the United States. He accompanied the USS Josephus Daniels to Cuba in 1943 as it ran guns to young Fidel's rebels.[156]

Jonesy (In at the Death)[]


Jonesy was a guard at an entrance to the U.S. War Department Building in Philadelphia. He escorted Congresswoman Flora Blackford to Assistant Secretary of War Franklin D. Roosevelt's office when she met with him after Germany destroyed the Russian capital of Petrograd with a superbomb.[157]

Jonesy (Return Engagement)[]


Jonesy was a U.S. soldier in Lt. Giovanni Garzetti's platoon during Operation Blackbeard. He was on sentry duty when Private Pratt brought in downed pilot Jonathan Moss for questioning, ordering them to halt until he identified Pratt. He then let them proceed to Garzetti's HQ in an abandoned barn.[158]

Orson Jordan[]


Orson Jordan (b. c. 1905) was a tall blond Mormon from Utah.

In 1941, shortly after the outbreak of the Second Great War, Jordan arrived in Philadelphia as an unofficial representative of Governor Heber Young. He arranged a meeting with Congresswoman Flora Blackford and informed her of Governor Young's concerns over the possible movement of U.S. troops through the state or of them being stationing there. He indicated that Utahans had a right to be touchy about the issue.

Blackford responded that the rest of the U.S. also had a right to be touchy about Mormons. However, she agreed to pass the Governor's concerns to President Al Smith which she did. Smith's reaction was one of outrage and he indicated that he had been "taken for a ride" by Jake Featherston and he wouldn't let Young do the same. Blackford was concerned that Smith was reacting too strongly to compensate for Featherston's deception but didn't say anything.[159]

In the event, Governor Young failed to restrain the radical elements and had to flee to Colorado when they rose up with help from the Confederates.[160]

"Swede" Jorgenson[]


"Swede" Jorgenson was one of the two aimers on the 40mm anti-aircraft gun on the USS Josephus Daniels that George Enos Jr. was assigned to. The gun crew successfully shot down a British Fairey Swordfish torpedo bomber while running guns and men to Ireland. However, shortly after and during the same battle, the P.O. commanding the gun, Clem Thurman, was killed by a British fighter aircraft. Jorgenson immediately took command, the loader took Jorgenson's place and Enos took over from the loader.[161]

Jorgenson was assigned permanently to command the gun and promoted to Petty Officer Third Class. The other sailors were also shifted to the positions they had assumed and Ekberg replaced Enos as shell-jerker. Given that most of the gun crew were new to their positions, their accuracy was substantially lower than that of the other crews. Jorgenson, with the permission of Sam Carsten, the Captain, gave them extra drills until they reached satisfactory standards.[162]



José was a Mexican who crossed the border into the Confederate States looking for work. In 1942 Jerry Dover hired José as a dishwasher at the Huntsman's Lodge to replace one of two unreliable black men.[163]

Milton Kellner[]


Milton Kellner owned a grain and feed store in Bucyrus, Ohio in the early 1940s. During Operation Blackbeard, General Abner Dowling requisitioned the store for his headquarters forcing Kellner to move in with his brother and sister-in-law.[164]

Barton Kinder[]


Barton Kinder was a major general in the Confederate Army's Quartermaster Corps during the Second Great War. He was the superior officer of Brigadier General Tyler. He and Major Jerry Dover exchanged heated words over whether or not General Tyler would release badly trucks before U.S. forces crossed the Ohio River. Kinder grudgingly gave in, warning Dover against going too far in the future.[165]

Sheldon Klein[]


Sheldon Klein was a Philadelphia accountant used by Flora Blackford. He suffered some form of damage to his left hand which only allowed him the use of the index finger and thumb and wore a glove on the hand. Blackford arranged for Klein to be Cassius Madison's accountant. Klein was quite scrupulous in how he dealt with Madison, and even warned Madison to have Klein's work checked every once in while.[166]

Dick Konstam[]

(DttE; IatD)

Dick Konstam was a recruiter for the U.S. Army in Des Moines. Cincinnatus Driver spoke to Konstam in 1943 about driving for the Army as the U.S plunged deep into the Confederacy in the climax of the Second Great War.[167] When Driver came back from the war, he stopped in to speak to Konstam again, hoping for some guidance on how he should fit back into civilian life. They shared photos of their grandchildren and discussed life in general.[168]

Morris Kramer[]


Morris Kramer was a theater booking agent from New York City's Lower East Side. In 1944, the Democrats recruited him to challenge Flora Blackford for the neighborhood's seat in the US House of Representatives.

Kramer had received 4F status from the draft board because of a hernia. This was seen as a political liability, though Blackford - mostly - did not intend to exploit it. Instead, she successfully campaigned against him on the grounds that a freshman Congressman would never be able to get the pork needed to rebuild the bomb damage caused by the Confederates in the Second Great War.[169]

Martin Lacroix[]


Martin Lacroix was a banker in Rivière-du-Loup, Republic of Quebec. Dr. Leonard O'Doull diagnosed Lacroix with a case of ringworm after the Second Great War.[170]

Daisy June Lee[]


Daisy June Lee was a beautiful American actress in the 1940s.[171] In autumn of 1943, she starred opposite Woody Butler in the comedy Jose's Hayride in New York City's Winter Garden Theater. Sam Carsten found her unbelievably attractive.[172]

Melanie Leigh[]


Melanie Leigh (b between 1902 & 1907) lived in Savannah, Georgia. At some point, she had an affair with Jerry Dover and blackmailed him in order to keep from telling his wife, Sally, about the affair. On at least one occasion, when he was still managing the Huntsman's Lodge, Jerry sent Scipio to bring some cash to her, which gave Scipio a slight hold over Dover.[173]

Melanie sent Dover a letter when he was serving in northern Georgia, not only asking for money, but also asking about him. Dover grew suspicious and contacted Major Claude Nevers. When Confederate intelligence troops tried to pick Melanie up, they discovered she had already vanished.[174]

Leigh answered to United States spymaster Don Gutteridge. After the war, Leigh and Gutteridge visited Dover in the Huntsman's Lodge.[175]

Mel Lempriere[]


Lieutenant Colonel Mel Lempriere was an artillery commander in the Confederate Army during the Second Great War. He was a veteran of the Great War. From his accent, one could tell he was from New Orleans.

In 1941 he and his friend Major Ted Griffith joined Lt. Col. Tom Colleton in the officers' club in Fort Mahan. The talk turned to women and "sporting houses". When asked by Colleton, Lempriere denied the women in them avoided the cure in order to infect Confederate soldiers. The two Colonels continued to exchanged tall tails of exploits past, late into the night, much to the amusement and disbelief of Major Griffith.[176]



Major Levitt was a U.S. Army officer assigned to the General Staff. In 1942 he traveled to Clovis, New Mexico with sealed orders for Major General Abner Dowling ordering the Eleventh Army to go on the offensive and invade Texas. Dowling was puzzled since his original orders were to simply prevent the Confederate Army from invading U.S. territory. Levitt explained it was to prevent the Confederates from reinforcing their army in Pittsburgh when General Irving Morrell launched his counter-attack.[177]

Whitlow Ling[]


Whitlow Ling was a brigadier general in the Confederate Army during the Second Great War. He commanded Confederate forces in western Texas and was charged with defending that region, and especially Camp Determination, against US General Abner Dowling's Eleventh Army.[178]

Ling was stymied by a lack of material and resources. He was also irritated by Camp Determination's commandant, Jeff Pinkard, who personally exhorted Ling to keep Dowling back. Ling did use Pinkard's suggestion to place machine guns in the back of trucks as a means of increasing resources.[179] However, in the long run, Dowling's superior numbers and Ling's lack of resources insured Determination fell to the U.S. by mid-1943.

Don Little[]


Major Don Little of the United States Army personally arrested Jefferson Pinkard at Camp Humble in 1944 for crimes against humanity.[180]



Yeoman Lopatinsky served as a wireless operator on the USS Josephus Daniels during the Second Great War. Prior to joining the Navy, Lopatinsky had been a coal miner in West Virginia.

As an operator, he had many dealings with the ship's captain Sam Carsten who frequented the wireless shack at all hours. During one such visit, Lopatinsky was surprised to discover that his uncle had served with Carsten during the Great War on the USS Dakota.[181]

Louis XIX of France[]


Louis XIX[182] became the King of France in 1944 after Charles XI was killed in the German superbomb attack on Paris.[183] He initially announced France's intention to continue to fight Germany,[184] but ultimately accepted capitulation.

Royal offices
(Southern Victory)
Preceded by
Charles XI
King of France
Succeeded by
Incumbent at series' end, 1945

Louise (Oceanview whore)[]


Louise was a prostitute in the Oceanview during the Second Great War. She was a pretty blue-eyed brunette. In 1941 she serviced Sam Carsten who got a free pass from Maggie Stevenson. After Carsten's first round, they lay in bed with brandy and smokes and chatted. When Louise asked how he had met "The Boss", Carsten explained it had been the same way he had met her. This surprised Louise but when Carsten said Stevenson must have been feeling sentimental, she burst out with gales of laughter. Still, Carsten couldn't come up with any other explanation.[185]



Luis was from Mexico and the head cook at the Huntsman's Lodge during and after the Second Great War. When Charlemagne Broxton, one of the owners, fired Willard Sloan for skimming money, he put Luis in charge as manager until he could re-hire Jerry Dover. Luis was not upset about being replaced by Dover since he preferred cooking to dealing with rapacious suppliers.[186]


  1. Return Engagement, pgs. 87-88, TPB.
  2. Return Engagement, pgs. 88-89, tpb.
  3. Ibid., pgs. 167-169.
  4. In at the Death, pgs. 516-521, TPB.
  5. In at the Death, pg. 137.
  6. Drive to the East, pg. 179, TPB.
  7. The Grapple, pgs. 331-334.
  8. The Grapple, pgs. 480-483.
  9. The Grapple, pgs. 555-559.
  10. Return Engagement, pg. 329.
  11. In at the Death, pg. 78-83.
  12. Drive to the East, pgs. 120-125, TPB.
  13. Drive to the East, pgs. 395-396, TPB.
  14. In at the Death, pg. 135, TPB.
  15. Ibid., pg. 139.
  16. Drive to the East, pg. 495.
  17. Ibid.
  18. The Grapple, pg. 555.
  19. Ibid.
  20. Drive to the East, pgs. 368-369.
  21. Ibid.
  22. The Grapple, pg. 313.
  23. See, e.g., Return Engagement, pg. 192.
  24. In at the Death, pgs. 401-404.
  25. In at the Death, pg. 535.
  26. In at the Death, pgs. 29-30, hc.
  27. In at the Death, pgs. 73-77.
  28. Return Engagement, pgs. 119-124.
  29. The Grapple, pg. 313.
  30. Drive to the East, pg. 348.
  31. In at the Death, pg. 148.
  32. In at the Death, pgs. 544.
  33. Return Engagement, pgs. 110-113.
  34. The Grapple, pg. 265-266.
  35. Return Engagement, pgs. 361-363.
  36. The Grapple, pg. 562.
  37. In at the Death, pgs. 551-554.
  38. In at the Death, pg. 181.
  39. In at the Death, pgs. 598-601.
  40. The Grapple, pgs. 45-46.
  41. The Grapple, pg. 563.
  42. Return Engagement, pgs. 274-277.
  43. Ibid., pg. 277-279.
  44. Ibid., pgs. 449-452.
  45. The Grapple, pg. 204.
  46. In at the Death, pg. 423.
  47. The Grapple, pgs. 262-263.
  48. In at the Death, pgs. 324-326.
  49. In at the Death, pgs. 289-291.
  50. The Grapple, pgs. 284-285.
  51. Ibid., pg. 289.
  52. Drive to the East, pgs. 404-405.
  53. Return Engagement, pg. 267.
  54. In at the Death, pgs. 235-236.
  55. Drive to the East, pgs. 301-303.
  56. Return Engagement, pgs. 142.144.
  57. The Grapple, pgs. 586-589.
  58. Return Engagement, pgs. 125-126.
  59. The Grapple, pg. 153.
  60. Drive to the East, pgs. 53.
  61. Drive to the East, pg. 198.
  62. Drive to the East, pgs. 106-109.
  63. The Grapple, pg. 576.
  64. In at the Death, pg. 246-247.
  65. Drive to the East, pg. 110.
  66. Drive to the East, pg. 192.
  67. Drive to the East, pg. 192.
  68. Return Engagement, pgs. 127-129.
  69. In at the Death, pg. 236.
  70. In at the Death, pg. 159.
  71. In at the Death, pgs. 133-134.
  72. Ibid. pg. 599.
  73. Return Engagement, pg. 403.
  74. Ibid., pgs. 466-468.
  75. The Grapple, pgs. 157-158.
  76. The Grapple, pg. 576.
  77. Drive to the East, pgs. 431-433.
  78. The Grapple, pg. 576.
  79. Drive to the East, pg. 186.
  80. Ibid. pg. 574.
  81. Drive to the East, pgs. 483-484.
  82. Return Engagement, pg. 76.
  83. Ibid., pg. 257.
  84. Return Engagement, pg. 207.
  85. Drive to the East, pgs. 38-39.
  86. The Grapple, pgs. 512-515, hc.
  87. In at the Death, pgs. 257-260.
  88. In at the Death, pg. 65.
  89. The Grapple, pgs. 325-328.
  90. In at the Death, pgs. 121-122, TPB.
  91. The Grapple, pgs. 262-263.
  92. In at the Death, pgs. 243-245.
  93. In at the Death, pgs. 245-246.
  94. Return Engagement, pg. 101.
  95. In at the Death, pgs. 150-154.
  96. In at the Death, pgs. 461-464.
  97. Ibid., pgs. 470-471.
  98. The Grapple, pgs. 541-542.
  99. See also Inconsistencies (Southern Victory)
  100. In at the Death, pg. 65.
  101. In at the Death, pg. 487.
  102. In at the Death, pg. 402.
  103. Return Engagement, pgs. 168-169.
  104. In at the Death, pg. 447.
  105. Drive to the East, pg. 282.
  106. Ibid., pgs. 282-83.
  107. Return Engagement, pgs. 345-346.
  108. Ibid., pg. 346.
  109. Ibid., pg. 426.
  110. Return Engagement, pgs. 41-44.
  111. Ibid. pg. 118.
  112. Drive to the East, pg. 108.
  113. In at the Death, pgs. 317-321.
  114. Ibid., pgs. 504-508.
  115. Ibid. pg. 569.
  116. Return Engagement, pgs. 527-528.
  117. In at the Death, pgs. 405-406.
  118. Return Engagement, pgs. 245-247.
  119. Return Engagement, pgs. 226-227.
  120. Return Engagement, pgs. 334-338.
  121. In at the Death, pgs. 353-355
  122. Ibid. pg. 448.
  123. In at the Death, pgs. 478-482, 529, hc.
  124. Return Engagement, pgs. 449-450.
  125. In at the Death, pg. 67.
  126. Return Engagement, pgs. 388-390.
  127. The Grapple, pgs. 27-32.
  128. Ibid., pg. 120.
  129. Drive to the East, pgs. 318-321.
  130. In at the Death, pg. 555.
  131. The Grapple, pgs. 586-590.
  132. Return Engagement, pgs. 366-368.
  133. Return Engagement, pgs. 504-506.
  134. Ibid., pgs. 557-561.
  135. Drive to the East, pg. 202.
  136. In at the Death, pgs. 168-169.
  137. In at the Death, pgs. 417-419.
  138. In at the Death, pgs. 146-150.
  139. Ibid., pg. 229, 328-330.
  140. Drive to the East, pgs. 296-298.
  141. Drive to the East, pgs. 483-484.
  142. In at the Death, pg. 77.
  143. The Grapple, pgs. 137-139.
  144. In at the Death, pgs. 200-201.
  145. Drive to the East, pgs. 562-564.
  146. Drive to the East, pgs. 340-343.
  147. In at the Death, pgs. 340-341.
  148. Return Engagement, pg. 347.
  149. Ibid., pgs. 421-425.
  150. Drive to the East, pgs. 238-40.
  151. Drive to the East, pg. 499.
  152. In at the Death, pg. 25.
  153. Return Engagement, pg. 546.
  154. Drive to the East, pgs. 550-551, hc.
  155. Drive to the East, pg. 39.
  156. The Grapple, pgs. 171-174.
  157. In at the Death, pg. 317, TPB.
  158. Return Engagement, pgs. 225-226, hc.
  159. Return Engagement, pgs. 192-195.
  160. Ibid., pg. 253, 272.
  161. The Grapple, pg. 500.
  162. Ibid. pgs. 540-542.
  163. Drive to the East, pg. 258.
  164. Return Engagement, pg. 175.
  165. The Grapple, pgs. 224-225.
  166. In at the Death, pgs. 437-439.
  167. Drive to the East, pgs. 545-550.
  168. In at the Death, pgs. 510-512.
  169. In at the Death, pgs. 465-468.
  170. In at the Death, pg. 544.
  171. The Grapple, pg. 121.
  172. ibid., pgs. 563-564.
  173. Drive to the East, pgs. 86-89.
  174. The Grapple, pgs. 448-453.
  175. In at the Death, pgs. 555-556.
  176. Return Engagement, pg. 388-390.
  177. Drive to the East, pgs. 486-487.
  178. The Grapple, pg. 218.
  179. Ibid., pgs. 417-418.
  180. In at the Death, pg. 327.
  181. Drive to the East, pgs. 563-564.
  182. See Inconsistencies (Southern Victory)
  183. In at the Death, pg. 294.
  184. Ibid.
  185. Return Engagement, pg. 327.
  186. In at the Death, pgs. 553-554.