Megan Tricoupis
Fictional Character
Justin Kloster Stories
Set in OTL
Appearance(s): "Forty, Counting Down";
"Twenty-One, Counting Up"
Type of Appearance: Direct
Nationality: United States
Date of Birth: 1979
Occupation: Student
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Tricoupis
Spouse: Justin Kloster (in one timeline, divorced)

Megan Tricoupis (b. 1979) was the wife of Justin Kloster in the original timeline. They'd met in 1999, and married in the early 21st Century, but divorced after about four years. Justin never got over the lost relationship. Upon reaching the age of 40, Justin developed time-travel technology, and returned to 1999 in an attempt to prevent the divorce before it happened.

However, his 40-year-old self could not keep up with the young Megan. Moreover, he was far too anxious, pushing Megan to commit and speaking of marriage very early in their relationship. Megan broke off the relationship, and rather than getting divorced, the couple never married. Justin married his old flame Lindsey Fletcher instead.
