Fictional Character
Clever Rolf Stories
Appearance(s): "Blue Fox and Werewolf";
"Mebodes' Fly"
Type of Appearance: Referenced (BF&W); Direct (MF)
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Wizard

Mebodes was an evil wizard who kidnapped a fair maiden named Viviane and imprisoned her in a tower in the Great Wood, surrounded by werewolves. While a number of knights failed to penetrate the wizards' safeguards, an accountant named Clever Rolf used silver to defeat the werewolves and rescue the maiden.[1]

The embittered Mebodes tracked Clever Rolf down to his favorite whore house.[2] Mebodes, disgusted by Clever Rolf's dissembling, promptly cursed him.[3] The curse subjected Clever Rolf to a series of insect-related attacks.[4] Clever Rolf tracked down Mebodes, who further taunted him, promising Clever Rolf that he would recognize the fly that would bring his doom.[5] That night, Clever Rolf and Viviane were attacked by ants in their bed. When Viviane exclaimed that Mebodes was so awful that even other wizards hated him, Clever Rolf saw the solution to his problems, and tracked down the wizard Rigord in Estreby.[6]

Rigord knew Clever Rolfe's story, and agreed to help, demanding the remaining treasure Clever Rolfe had taken from Mebodes. After haggling, Clever Rolfe agreed to the price, as Mebodes' treasure was largely brass, though he didn't tell Rigord that. He further agreed to allow Rigord lay a spell on him so that he would immediately turn over the treasure once Mebodes was thwarted.[7]

Rigord knew Clever Rolfe's story, and agreed to help, demanding the remaining treasure Clever Rolfe had taken from Mebodes. After haggling, Clever Rolfe agreed to the price, as Mebodes' treasure was largely brass, though he didn't tell Rigord that. He further agreed to allow Rigord lay a spell on him so that he would immediately turn over the treasure once Mebodes was thwarted.[8]

They returned to Argentan just in time, catching Mebodes at the bawdy house. Rigord conjured up a salamander and sent it into the room where Mebodes was doing business with Aila. The salamander chased Mebodes out of town, scorching his backside while Mebodes ran and tried to pull up his pants. Alia, who thought Mebodes a scoundrel, thanked Clever Rolf by giving him a free visit.[9] Clever Rolf told Alia the whole story. As he was finishing, the fly Mebodes told Clever Rolf would kill him appeared in the room. Clever Rolf crushed it, reminding Alia that Mebodes hadn't finished his spell, and further that Mebodes had run down the street with his fly undone.[10]


  1. Amazing Stories, vol 57, no. 3, September 1983, pg. 119-123.
  2. Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, vol 83, no 1, July 1992, pg. 96.
  3. Ibid., pgs. 97-98.
  4. Ibid., pg. 97-101.
  5. Ibid. pgs. 98-99.
  6. Ibid.
  7. Ibid., pg.s 102-103.
  8. Ibid., pg.s 102-103.
  9. Ibid., pgs. 104-105.
  10. Ibid. pg. 106.