
Madison is a city in Morgan County, Georgia. It is known regionally as "The Town Sherman Refused to Burn." It is named for fourth President of the United States, James Madison.

Madison in Southern Victory[]

Cassius and Gracchus patrolled Madison as auxiliaries after it fell to the United States during the Second Great War. The residents resented this and someone shot at a patrolling guerilla, wounding him. Captain Lester Wallace, the town's occupation commandant, immediately seized ten white men and had them shot. He warned that if a U.S. soldier or Negro auxiliary were harmed, he would do the same.[1]

The U.S. set up a POW camp just outside of town. It became a favorite activity for the Negro auxiliaries to visit it when off duty and view the captured Confederate prisoners as though visiting a zoo. On one visit, an auxiliary was angered by a Confederate POW and shot him dead. A Corporal on guard duty investigated and concluded the Confederate had it coming. He was mostly irritated by the paperwork it created.[2]

It was near Madison that Cassius chanced upon the fleeing Jake Featherston and killed him.[3] Cassius took the town's name as his surname.[4]


  1. In at the Death, pgs. 107-109, hc.
  2. Ibid. pgs. 109-110.
  3. Ibid. pgs. 378-382.
  4. Ibid. pg. 589.