"Lokrian" redirects here. Not to be confused with Locrian, an alien race in Isaac's Universe.
Lokris was a country at the southern tip of the Nekemte Peninsula, with a proud culture dating back to ancient times. Its currency units were leptas and fractions. Lakedaimon was the capital.
Lokris was the country where the Two Prophets' scriptures were written, and lore held that the Goddess had learned Lokrian simply so she could write the scriptures in that language.
Lokris' supremacy over the world was based on culture rather than military might. In the wars of history, Sassania attempted to conquer Lokris (with the help of some Lokrians), but was beaten back by the Lakedaimonian coalition. Lakedaimon then declared war on its former ally Pallas, and Lokrian civilization bled itself dry. Then Fyrom invaded Lokris, and some Lokrians appealed to the Aeneans for help, only to have the Aeneans conquer all of Lokris. Eventually the Hassockian Empire took over. Although the Lokrians drove out the Hassockians eventually, they were again invaded by the Hassockians in the Nekemte Wars, which then launched the great War of the Kingdoms.
Literary comment[]
Lokris is based on Greece, and named for an Ancient Greek region.