The Star of David, a sacred symbol of Judaism
Judaism (from the Latin Iudaismus, derived from the Greek Ioudaïsmos, and ultimately from the Hebrew יהודה, Yehudah, "Judah"; in Hebrew: יַהֲדוּת, Yahadut) is a set of beliefs and practices originating in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament to Christians), also known as the Tanakh, and explored and explained in later texts such as the Talmud. Jews consider Judaism to be the expression of the covenantal relationship which God developed with the Children of Israel.
Judaism claims a historical continuity spanning well over 3000 years. It is one of the oldest monotheistic religions, and the oldest to survive into the present day. Its texts, traditions and values have inspired later Abrahamic religions, including Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i Faith. Many aspects of Judaism have also directly or indirectly influenced secular Western ethics and civil law.
Judaism in Alpha and Omega[]
Judaism had a watershed moment with the discovery of "Rosie," a prophesied red heifer, in Arkansas.
Judaism in "Before the Beginning"[]
Nearly all of Earth's population converted to Judaism after it was learned that the Jews were indeed God's chosen people.
Judaism in "The Breaking of Nations"[]
Under the Trump-Pence regime, the United States grew increasingly intolerant of Jews and Judaism,[1] turning a blind eye to acts of violence perpetrated against Jews in the U.S.[2]
Judaism in The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump[]
Judaism was a monotheistic religion fraught with rules and rituals.
Judaism in Gunpowder Empire[]
Judaism was one of the religions recognized and generally tolerated by the late 21st century Roman Empire.
Judaism in In the Presence of Mine Enemies[]
Most of the tenets of Judaism had lapsed by 2010, so as to keep the identity of the surviving Jews living in the Greater German Reich a secret. The Jews did remember the specific practices, and were able to teach these to their children.
Judaism in "No Period"[]
A Jewish-American writer contemplated his failed first marriage, and wondered if it might have worked in some alternate timeline. After considering and discarding a number of possibilities, he considered the possibilities in a world where the Maccabees fell to the Seleucids. This would mean the end of Judaism, and by extension, the pre-emption of Jesus and Christianity. That would mean he would have been a Zeus-worshipper rather than a Jew, and his ex-wife would have been a Wotan-worshipper than a Lutheran. Then he realized religion wasn't the problem between them, and that the substance of their real arguments would have been the same in this world.[3]
Judaism in "Shtetl Days"[]
Actors playing Jews in recreated shtetls within the Reich for Aryan amusement, had to study Judaism to play their roles convincingly. They soon found themselves adopting it as their own religion.
Judaism in Thessalonica[]
Judaism was practiced in a small Jewish community in Thessalonica. Though the number of Jews in the city was significantly smaller than the number of Christians, Jewish prayers and magic were for some reason more resistant to Avar spells than Christian ones were. Perhaps this was because the Avars were focusing their efforts against Christianity rather than attempting to battle two new religions at once. Perhaps Judaism was more pleasing to the God that both it and Christianity worshiped, and thus more firmly under His protection.
Judaism in Worldwar[]
Judaism could not be openly practiced in the Greater German Reich for fear that it would expose its practitioner as an ethnic Jew, rather than because the Nazi Party found the faith itself objectionable. Among Jews who were persecuted by the Germans, devotion to the religion was encouraged, and after the Race took over Poland, the faith was practiced openly by a large and vibrant faith community.
- ↑ And the Last Trump Shall Sound, pg. 7, loc. 46, ebook.
- ↑ Ibid. pg. 15, loc. 170.
- ↑ https://www.tor.com/2020/11/30/no-period-harry-turtledove/