John Atkins
Historical Figure
Nationality: United States (Confederate States, 1861-65)
Year of Birth: 1825
Year of Death: 1908
Cause of Death: Natural causes
Occupation: Farmer, Lawyer, Politician
Spouse: Elizabeth Porter (d. 1887)
Flora Crawford
Children: John Jr. (1857-1938)
Military Branch: Confederate

States Army

Political Party: Democratic Party
Political Office(s): United States Representative from Tennessee,
Confederate States Representative from Tennessee,
US Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Fictional Appearances:
The Guns of the South
POD: January 17, 1864
Type of Appearance: Posthumous reference
Nationality: Confederate States
Date of Death: 1868
Cause of Death: Shot to death
Political Party: Confederate Party
Military Branch: Confederate States Army
(Second American Revolution)

John DeWitt Clinton Atkins (June 4, 1825 – June 2, 1908) was an American politician and a member of both the United States House of Representatives and Confederate Congress from Tennessee.

John Atkins in The Guns of the South[]

John Atkins (1825-1868) was President-elect Lee's nominee for the office of Postmaster General. Atkins did not live to be confirmed for the appointment, as he was gunned down by the Rivington Men during the Richmond Massacre on March 4, 1868.[1]

