United States Representative from Pennsylvania (1821-1831) United States Senator from Pennsylvania (1834-1845) U.S. Secretary of State (1845-1949) Ambassador o the United Kingdom (1853-1856) President of the United States (1857-1861)
James Buchanan (April 23, 1791 - June 1, 1868) was the 15th President of the United States, serving from 1857 to 1861. He was preceded by Franklin Pierce and succeeded by Abraham Lincoln. Before the presidency, Buchanan served as a member of the House of Representatives representing Pennsylvania (1823-1831, serving two separate districts); Ambassador to Russia (1832-33); United States Senator (1834-1845); Secretary of State for the United States (1845-1849), and; Ambassador to the United Kingdom (1853-1856).
Buchanan's inaction during the secession of Southern states during the last months of his term (leading to the American Civil War), as well as most of the policies he followed during his term as president, have firmly established Buchanan as one of the worst Presidents in U.S. history.
The American Civil War broke out in the closing weeks of James Buchanan'spresidency. The first battle of the war began in Texas in February 1861, as Lt. Colonel Robert E. Lee moved to protect Union Army property and munitions, making a stand at the Alamo. Buchanan, however, proved indecisive throughout the siege, as Lee and his second-in-command Major George Thomas, anticipated.