Iverson Longmire
Historical Figure
Nationality: United States (Confederate States, 1861-1865)
Year of Birth: 1828
Year of Death: 1870
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Soldier
Parents: Elijah Longmire, Araminta Hayes
Spouse: Julia Melchisa Harris
Military Branch: Confederate

Army (American Civil War)

Fictional Appearances:
The Guns of the South
POD: January 17, 1864
Type of Appearance: Direct
Nationality: Confederate States
Military Branch: 47th North Carolina (Second American Revolution)

Iverson Longmire (1828-1870) was a soldier in the 47th North Carolina regiment of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia during the American Civil War. He was from Granville, North Carolina, and was assigned to Company G.

Iverson Longmire in The Guns of the South[]

Iverson Longmire was a soldier in Company G of the 47th North Carolina. During an impromptu baseball game in 1864, shortly before the Battle of the Wilderness, Longmire proved to be a demon of a shortstop.[1]


  1. The Guns of the South, pgs. 88-89.