Historical Figure
Nationality: Athens
Year of Birth: 6th century BCE
Year of Death: 5th century BCE
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Politician
Political Office(s): Archon of Athens
Fictional Appearances:
"Counting Potsherds"
POD: 483 BCE;
Relevant POD: 480 BCE
Type of Appearance: Posthumous reference
Date of Death: Unrevealed

Hypsichides was Archon of Athens in 481-480 BC, when the Greek coalition rallied to turn the tide of war against the Persian invasion. During his tenure, all of Athens' ostracized citizens were recalled. The great victories were won during the rule of his immediate successor Calliades. Little is known about Hypsichides' life.

Hypsichides in "Counting Potsherds"[]

Hypsikhides was the last Archon of Athens. His government proclaimed a sentence of exile for Xerxes, the invading Persian King of Kings. This last gesture of defiance was futile. Xerxes invaded and conquered Athens, razing it to the ground and forbidding its resettlement.[1]


  1. See, e.g., Departures, pg. 24, mmp.
Political offices
Preceded by
Unknown, last known is Nicodemus
Archon of Athens
481-480 BC
Succeeded by
Political offices
(Fictional Work)
Preceded by
Unknown, last known is Nicodemus
Archon of Athens
("Counting Potsherds")

481-480 BC
Succeeded by
None, Athenian statehood abolished