Henry Wallace
Historical Figure
Nationality: United States
Year of Birth: 1888
Year of Death: 1965
Cause of Death: Lou Gehrig's disease
Religion: Fluctuated between Presbyterianism, Episcopalianism, and spiritualism, among others
Occupation: Politician, Farmer, Columnist, Businessman
Parents: Henry C. Wallace,
May Brodhead Wallace
Spouse: Ilo Browne
Children: Three
Political Party: Republican Party (until 1933),
Democratic Party (1933-1946),
Progressive Party (1946-1950)
Political Office(s): US Secretary of Agriculture,
US Secretary of Commerce,
Vice President of the United States
Fictional Appearances:

Henry Agard Wallace (October 7, 1888 – November 18, 1965), an Iowan, was the 33rd Vice President of the United States (1941–5), the 11th Secretary of Agriculture (1933–40), and the 10th Secretary of Commerce (1945–6). A staunchly liberal person who had regarded Russian artist Nicholas Roerich as a "guru" in the 1930s, Wallace was removed from the ticket in 1944 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt under pressure from more conservative Democrats. Wallace himself was the Progressive Party and American Labor Party's nominee for the presidency in 1948. He came fourth place in with over a million popular votes but no electoral votes.

Henry Wallace in The Man With the Iron Heart[]

The Man With the Iron Heart
POD: May 29, 1942;
Relevant POD: May, 1945
Type of Appearance: Contemporary reference

Henry Wallace had been Vice President during FDR's third term, being dropped in the fourth in favor of Harry Truman. Jerry Duncan, for all his problems with Truman's presidency, regarded the possibility of President Wallace as a genuinely scary thought.[1]

Henry Wallace in Worldwar[]

POD: May 30, 1942
Appearance(s): In the Balance;
Tilting the Balance;
Upsetting the Balance
Type of Appearance: Contemporary references
Date of Death: 1944
Cause of Death: Killed by an explosive-metal bomb (Race Invasion of Tosev 3)
Political Office(s): Vice President of the United States

Henry Wallace (1888-1944) served as Vice President of the United States from January 20, 1941 until January 1944. He was killed when the Race destroyed the city of Seattle with an explosive-metal bomb.[2] He predeceased President Franklin D. Roosevelt by a few months. When Roosevelt died of a stroke, Secretary of State Cordell Hull succeeded to the presidency.

Henry Wallace in "News From the Front"[]

In May 1942, Vice President Henry Wallace publicly broke with President Franklin D. Roosevelt over the country's participation in World War II. Wallace first called for a timetable for victory, suggesting that if the U.S. hadn't won in 18 months, the country should withdraw from the war altogether. Wallace was also dubious about the USA's ability to feed the world in the event of victory.[3]

"News From the Front"
POD: December 8, 1941
Type of Appearance: Direct

Later that month, with rumors of Roosevelt's impeachment in the air, Wallace claimed that Roosevelt had been dishonest with the American people in the lead-up to the country's entry into the war, and promised that if he were to become president, he would negotiate a peace.[4] While the Roosevelt Administration retorted that Wallace's criticism was benefiting the enemy, Wallace steadfastly explained that he was telling the people the truth.[5]

In June 1942, the House had taken the first steps towards impeaching Roosevelt. Wallace acknowledged that he would probably be president if Roosevelt was removed from office, but promised that only peace could get the country back on track.[6]

Henry Wallace in Southern Victory[]

Southern Victory
POD: September 10, 1862
Appearance(s): Return Engagement
Type of Appearance: Contemporary reference
Political Party: Socialist Party
Political Office(s): US Secretary of the Interior

Henry "Hank" Wallace served as United States Secretary of the Interior under President Al Smith. As such, he knew about the project to build a superbomb in Hanford, Washington. When Congresswoman Flora Blackford discovered the discrepancy in the budget that funded the project, she made several calls to the Department of the Interior, including Wallace's office. However, when a response came, it was not from Wallace, but from Franklin Roosevelt, the Assistant Secretary of War.[7]

After President Smith was killed in a Confederate bombing raid in 1942, Wallace resigned. The new President Charles W. La Follette appointed Harry Hopkins in his place.[8][9]

See Also[]


  1. The Man With the Iron Heart, pg. 316.
  2. Upsetting the Balance, pg. 435, HC.
  3. See, e.g., Atlantis and Other Places, pg. 106, HC.
  4. Ibid., pg. 109-110.
  5. Ibid., pg. 110.
  6. Ibid., pg. 119.
  7. Return Engagement, pg. 449-450, HC.
  8. Drive to the East, pgs. 133-134, HC.
  9. Some speculation is necessary here to explain the apparent inconsistency.