George Washington Custis Lee
Historical Figure
Nationality: United States (Confederate States, 1861-1865)
Year of Birth: 1831
Year of Death: 1913
Religion: Episcopalian
Occupation: Soldier, Educator
Parents: Robert E. Lee, Mary Anna Custis Lee
Spouse: None
Relatives: George Washington Parke Custis (grandfather), Lee family
Military Branch: United States Army (1854-1861);
Confederate States Army (1861-1865)
Fictional Appearances:
The Guns of the South
POD: January 17, 1864
Type of Appearance: Direct
Nationality: Confederate States
Occupation: Soldier

George Washington Custis Lee (September 16, 1832 - February 18, 1913), also known as Custis Lee, was the eldest son of Robert E. Lee and Mary Anna Custis Lee. He served as a Confederate general in the American Civil War, primarily as an aide-de-camp to President Jefferson Davis, and succeeded his father as president of Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia.

George Washington Custis Lee in The Guns of the South[]

By 1864, Colonel[1] Custis Lee was an aide-de-camp to President Jefferson Davis. When his father, General Robert E. Lee, came to Richmond to brief President Davis on the new AK-47s he met with Custis Lee afterwards. General Lee asked Custis to organize a band of men to keep watch on America Will Break. The General explained his distrust of the organization and the way the Confederacy was dependent on them for the new repeaters. If, in future, their interests did not coincide with those of the nation, there could be trouble. The General wanted to be forewarned and indicated that Custis should go directly to Davis if something urgent was discovered. Custis agreed but did not discover anything untoward.[2]

After the Second American Revolution, Custis continued to serve in the Confederate Army. He was present at the Richmond Massacre on March 4, 1868 but neither he nor his wife were wounded.[3]

