George Washington
Historical Figure
Nationality: United States (born a British subject)
Year of Birth: 1732
Year of Death: 1799
Cause of Death: Blood-letting and other treatments for Pneumonia
Religion: Episcopalianism, possibly Deism later in life
Occupation: Soldier, Planter, Politician, Revolutionary
Spouse: Martha Dandridge Custis
Children: John Parke Custis (stepson)
Martha Parke Custis (stepdaughter)
Eleanor Parke Custis Lewis (step-granddaughter, adoptive daughter raised by Washington)
George Washington Parke Custis (step-grandson, adoptive son raised by Washington)
Military Branch: British Army (Seven Years' War),
United States Army (American Revolution)
Political Office(s): President of the United States
Fictional Appearances:

George Washington (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799), known as the "Father of His Country," was an American soldier and statesman who served from 1789 to 1797 as the first President of the United States. He was commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War and presided over the 1787 Constitutional Convention. As one of the leading Patriots, he was among the nation's Founding Fathers.

Washington was born to a family of prosperous planters among the colonial Virginia gentry. His education included surveying which launched his early career as a surveyor. He joined the Virginia militia at the age of twenty, fought in the French and Indian War, and rose to the rank of colonel. The Second Continental Congress made him commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in 1775. Washington's strategy, field command, and development of the army, combined with an alliance with France, were crucial in defeating the British, who surrendered after the Siege of Yorktown. In 1783, the victorious Washington declined further power and resigned as commander-in-chief, affirming his devotion to American Republicanism. He was unanimously chosen to lead the Constitutional Convention in 1787 which devised the new Federal government.

Washington was unanimously elected as President by the Electoral College in the first two national elections. He then oversaw the creation of a strong, well-financed national government, suppressed the Whiskey Rebellion, and popularized the new Federal government. Washington was impartial with the rival parties founded by two of his cabinet secretaries: Thomas Jefferson’s Democratic-Republican Party and Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist Party. However he did adopt Hamilton's programs to satisfy federal and state debts, establish a permanent seat of government, implement an effective tax system, and create a national bank. When the French Revolution plunged Europe into war, Washington initially assumed a policy of neutrality, to protect American shipping abroad, though the Jay Treaty of 1795 created an alliance with Great Britain. Washington's presidency established many precedents still in use today, such as the Cabinet system, the inaugural address, the title "Mr. President", and a two-term limit precedent for future presidents. Washington's Farewell Address was a primer on civic virtue, warning against partisanship, sectionalism, and involvement in foreign wars.

Succeeding President John Adams appointed the retired Washington Lieutenant General of a Provisional Army in the Quasi-War with the French. Upon his death, he was famously eulogized as "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen". In his will he directed the manumission of all his 124 slaves, to promote the end of slavery. Scholarly and public polling ranks him among the top three presidents in history, and he is honored by countless monuments, public works, place names, stamps, and currency.

George Washington in "Must and Shall"[]

"Must and Shall"
POD: July 12, 1864
Type of Appearance: Posthumous references

George Washington was revered by both sides during the Great Rebellion, and this reverence continued as late as 1942. An advantage of this was that American currency bearing Washington's portrait was considered acceptable tender by malcontent whites in the former Confederate States, in stark contrast to their notorious boycott of the Lincoln half-dollar.[1]

George Washington in The Guns of the South[]

The Guns of the South
POD: January 17, 1864
Type of Appearance: Posthumous references

George Washington was a hero to both the United States and the Confederacy. In the CSA, his birthday was celebrated fondly, and a statue of him stood proudly in Capitol Square in Richmond. In the USA, a monument was being built to him in his namesake city, and his name was invoked by former President Abraham Lincoln in his Good Friday speech to the people of Louisville, as a reminder of the history they would forsake by seceding from the Union.

George Washington in Southern Victory[]

Southern Victory
POD: September 10, 1862
Appearance(s): Throughout
Type of Appearance: Posthumous references

The Virginia Washington Monument in Richmond, Virginia. Some version of this monument has played a role in multiple timelines.

As a military hero and the first U.S. President, George Washington was universally revered as a major Founding Father and one of the most memorable presidents in U.S. history. Even after it broke into two mutually antagonistic nations during the War of Secession, U.S. historians continued to so regard Washington, alongside Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt as the most memorable of presidents.

However, the general public did not always remember the Virginia-born Washington kindly. The U.S. in general preferred to idolize Northern Founding Fathers such as John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, and Benjamin Franklin. Nonetheless, the U.S. rebuilt the Washington Monument after it was destroyed during the Great War.

Before 1920, the Confederate States esteemed Washington as a Founding Father as well, but generally preferred their own founding fathers such as John C. Calhoun, Jefferson Davis, and Robert E. Lee. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson invoked George Washington in his speech asking for Congress for a declaration of war against the USA while speaking in Richmond.

Anthony Dresser's Freedom Party used Washington's picture as an emblem, with the slogan "We need a New Revolution". Jake Featherston, who considered Washington to have "sold out the South to the damnyankees," stopped that custom when he took over the party. Many Confederates did view Washington with some suspicion in the years after the Great War, but still thought of him as a Virginian first, and a U.S. President second. Washington University in Lexington, Virginia, home of the Confederacy's effort to build a superbomb, retained its name, and a statue of Washington in Richmond survived the Second Great War.

George Washington in The Disunited States of America[]

The Disunited States of America
POD: July, 1787
Type of Appearance: Posthumous reference
Date of Death: Unknown

In one alternate visited by Crosstime Traffic, George Washington was remembered in North America as a great general for his service in the Revolutionary War, even though the United States fell apart in the early 1800s. A statue of Washington stood in Richmond. Justin Monroe noted that it was very different from the statue in the home timeline's Richmond.

George Washington in The Two Georges[]

The Two Georges
POD: c. 1763
Type of Appearance: Posthumous references
Nationality: North American Union
Occupation: Soldier, Diplomat, Politician
Political Office(s): Governor-General of the North American Union

The Seven Years' War was followed by a period of tension between Great Britain and her American colonists. Colonel George Washington led a colonial delegation to meet with King George III and his privy council.[2] The colonists were able to secure greater self-governance for themselves, while reaffirming their status as British citizens. The meeting was immortalised by a Thomas Gainsborough painting entitled The Two Georges, which came to symbolise the friendship between the North American Union and the Kingdom of Great Britain.[3]

Later, as the Governor-General of the North American Union, Washington enforced the Royal Proclamation of 1763, preventing the expansion of White settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains. While Britain rescinded the proclamation after 35 years, this grace period gave certain Red Indian tribes, such as the Iroquois and the Cherokees, the chance to modernise and consolidate ownership of much of their lands. For that reason Washington was greatly revered by the Indians, and the Iroquois believed him to be the only white person admitted to Hawenneyu's paradise.[4]

A model of steamer was named for Washington, as was an American Province.

When the racialist paramilitary group known as the Sons of Liberty, who sought a severing of all NAU ties with the British Empire, stole The Two Georges painting in 1995, the note they left behind contained the saying, "Washington was a traitor."[5]


See also[]


  1. Counting Up, Counting Down, pgs. 61, 80.
  2. The Two Georges, pg. 29, HC.
  3. Ibid., pgs. 29-30.
  4. Ibid. pgs. 171, 179-180.
  5. Ibid., pg. 40.