Historical Figure
Nationality: Cherusci citizen of the Roman Empire
Year of Birth: 1st Century BCE
Year of Death: 1st Century CE
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Soldier
Parents: Sigimerus
Children: Italicus
Relatives: Arminius (brother),
Thusnelda (sister-in-law)
Military Branch: Auxiliary with Roman Legion
Fictional Appearances:
Give Me Back My Legions!
Set in OTL
Type of Appearance: Contemporary references
Parents: Sigimerus and Veleda

Flavus was the older brother of the Cherusci warloes Arminius. Flavus is the Latin for "blond," his real name is unknown. The brothers entered services with the Roman Empire serving as auxiliaries during the Pannonian uprising. Flavus remained loyal to Rome during the rebellion raised by Arminius and the subsequent Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. He participated in the punitive expedition sent by Tiberius against Arminius in AD 14-16.

Flavus in Give Me Back My Legions![]

Flavus wholeheartedly embraced Romanization, unlike his brother Arminius. However, he was unaware of his brother's true feelings and so was unable to anticipate his rebellion and the subsequent Battle of the Teutoburg Forest.
