
These are fictional political parties are found in the works of Harry Turtledove. Entries with significant length should be given their own articles.

Alpha and Omega[]

Pious Bloc[]

The Pious Bloc was an Israeli political coalition that joined forces with Likud in the national elections following the dirty bomb attack on Tel Aviv, propelling the party to a massive landslide. Rabbi Shlomo Kupferman was one of the Pious Bloc's champions during the campaign, and was appointed as Minister of Religious Affairs by the Prime Minister.

The Guns of the South[]

Confederate Party[]

See: Confederate Party
The Confederate Party was the political party created by Robert E. Lee and Albert Gallatin Brown in 1867 after the Second American Revolution.[1]

Patriot Party[]

See: Patriot Party (The Guns of the South)
The Patriot Party was one of two political parties established in the Confederate States after the Second American Revolution. It was created by Nathan Bedford Forrest and America Will Break in response to Robert E. Lee's stated goal of ending slavery in the country. Forrest was its first leader.[2]

Radical Republican Party[]

See: Radical Republican Party (The Guns of the South)

In the Presence of Mine Enemies[]

Nazi Party Conservatives[]

The "Nazi Party Conservatives" is an informal name for the faction of the Nazi Party that opposed the reforms implemented by Führer Heinz Buckliger beginning in 2010. The SS, under the leadership of Reichsführer-SS Lothar Prützmann, served as the unofficial core of this faction. When Buckliger announced elections would be held on 10 July 2011, Prützmann and the SS launched a putsch that was defeated within 24 hours. Prützmann committed suicide, and the powers of the SS were curtailed. When the elections took place, the reformer wing handily won a majority.

Nazi Party Reformers[]

The "Nazi Party Reformers" is an informal name for the faction of the Nazi Party that supported the reforms implemented by Führer Heinz Buckliger beginning in 2010. While Buckliger was the de facto leader of the faction at first, he was soon in competition with Rolf Stolle, the gauleiter of Berlin, who pushed for more sweeping reforms than Buckliger proposed.

When Buckliger announced elections would be held on 10 July 2011, Lothar Prützmann and the SS launched a putsch. While Buckliger was placed under house arrest, Stolle stymied the SS by publicly refusing to be arrested; he was supported by a large crowd of Berlin citizens. The putsch failed within 24 hours. Prützmann committed suicide, and the powers of the SS were curtailed. When the elections took place, the reformer wing handily won a majority, with Stolle becoming speaker of the Reichstag.

Unity Party[]

Unity was the reform party established by the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in the wake of the reforms put in place by Heinz Buckliger, Führer of the Greater German Reich, in 2010 and 2011. A charismatic, white-haired playwright led the party. The Czechs residing in the Protectorate were still angry at their country's annexation, more than 70 years after the fact. Unity's goal was to reunite the former Czechoslovakia, independent of the Reich.

During the 2011 Putsch against Buckliger, Unity declared the Protectorate independent. When Buckliger was restored, Unity backtracked slightly, allowing that the Protectorate was part of the Reich, but issuing an informal referendum on the issue of independence. Unity gained substantial votes in the Reichstag elections of that year, and promised that the issue of independence would be a primary one.


Communist Party of the NESSR[]

The Communist Party ruled the Northeastern Soviet Socialist Republic absolutely.

Communist Party of the WCPDR[]

The Communist Party ruled the West Coast People's Democratic Republic absolutely.

Southern Victory[]

Freedom Party[]

See: Freedom Party
The Freedom Party was the dominant political party of the Confederate States from 1934 until 1944, when the country ceased to exist after its defeat in the Second Great War. It was a far right populist party that espoused revanchism against the United States of America and genocidal hatred for Black people, among other policies.

Radical Liberal Party[]

See: Radical Liberal Party
The Radical Liberal Party was a long-time political party of the Confederate States of America. For most of its existence, the Radical Liberals was the main left-wing party of the Confederacy and were the main opposition of the Whig Party until the rise of the Freedom Party in the late 1920s and early '30s.

Redemption League[]

The Redemption League was a political party founded in the western Confederate States by Willy Knight shortly after the Great War. Its platform very closely resembled that of the larger Freedom Party, and in 1921, the two parties merged.

While Knight was an ambitious man, he was nowhere near as ambitious or charismatic as Freedom Party Chairman Jake Featherston. The adherents of the Redemption League were quickly neutralized within the Freedom Party.

Silver Shirts[]

The Silver Shirts were a far-right party of revanchist nationalists in Great Britain, headed by Oswald Mosley. They grew quickly in Britain by taking advantage of bitterness and frustration in the wake of Britain's defeat in the Great War, paralleling the rise of the Freedom Party in the Confederate States and the Action Francaise in France.

The Silver Shirts seemed likely to become the largest party in Britain in the 1920s. The Conservative Party prevented this by moving to the right under the leadership of Winston Churchill. However, the Silver Shirts entered into a government coalition with the Conservatives, supporting Churchill as Prime Minister and Mosley as Minister of War. While the Silver Shirts were the junior partner in the coalition, they exerted considerable influence on the Government agenda, and the Conservative Party came to resemble the Silver Shirts much more than vice versa.

When three British cities were destroyed by German superbombs in the last year of the Second Great War, the Churchill-Mosley government collapsed, and the Silver Shirts with it.

Literary comment[]

In OTL, "Silver Shirt" referred to members of the Silver Legion of America, a fascist paramilitary group during the pre-World War II era.

See also[]

Socialist Party of the Confederate States[]

There was a small but not-negligible Socialist Party in the Confederate States in the days immediately after the Great War.

The party as such was not involved in the Red Rebellion, but some of its members were, and the rebels' proclaimed Socialist ideology tended to reflect on a party professing the same. As a result, the party's popularity steeply declined (at least among whites). However, after the Great War, as the Whigs' fortunes reached their lowest ebb, the Confederate Socialist Party reached its zenith, winning four seats in the 1917 Congressional elections, from New Orleans, Louisiana, Cuba, and Chihuahua. (These were the only Confederate elections in which black veterans of the Great War were able to vote, a right of which they were deprived long before the Freedom Party came to power.) The CSP promoted a platform of racial equality, and as a result was despised by the Freedom Party. Once the Freedom Party dominated the Confederate government, its hatred of the Socialist Party grew into persecution, with many Socialists winding up in concentration camps.

Socialist Party of the United States[]

See: Socialist Party of the United States (Southern Victory)
The Socialist Party was a left-wing party that became a major political force in the United States after the Second Mexican War. Abraham Lincoln and a group of left-wing Republicans formed the Socialist Party in 1882 from a variety of leftist organizations.

Whig Party[]

See: Whig Party (CSA)
The Whig Party was a conservative political party in the Confederate States. From the formation of the country to the presidential election of 1933, the Whig Party was the dominant party of C.S.A.

The Two Georges[]

North American Union Tory Party[]

The Tory Party was one of two major political parties in the North American Union, the other being the Whig Party. Of the two, it was more conservative politically and attracted strong support from Negro citizens.[3]

At the time of the 1995 crises caused by the theft of The Two Georges, the party formed the government with Sir Martin Luther King the Governor-General and Sir Devereaux Jones the party's chairman.[4]

North American Union Whig Party[]

The Whig Party was one of two major political parties in the North American Union, the other being the Tory Party. Of the two, it was more liberal politically and attracted strong support from East Indian and Nuevespañolan citizens.[5]

At the time of the 1995 crises caused by the theft of The Two Georges, the party was His Majesty's Loyal Opposition with a shadow cabinet. Sir Devereaux Jones, the Tory Party chairman, analyzed the political ramification of the theft as being detrimental to the Tories and an unsuccessful investigation helpful to the Whigs.[6]

Independence Party[]

The Independence Party was a legal organization that sought, through peaceful means, the independence of the North American Union from Britain. While many considered it the political arm of the Sons of Liberty criminal syndicate, this had never been proven in a court of law; thus the Independence Party was free to run candidates and to campaign on its issues. While its platform was not overtly racist, many considered it worth noting that the Party had few if any Negro, East Indian, or Nuevespañolan members. As its emblem, the Party used a variation of the Jack and Stripes, with the canton having a bald eagle instead of the Union Jack.[7]

Common Sense was the newsletter in which the Party laid out their intentions.[8]


  1. The Guns of the South, pgs. 384-389. mpb.
  2. Ibid., pgs. 380-381.
  3. The Two Georges, pg. 79, mpb.
  4. Ibid., pgs. 119, 121.
  5. Ibid., pg. 79.
  6. Ibid., pgs. 448-449.
  7. Ibid., pgs. 78-81.
  8. Ibid., pg. 75.