
Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers the individual subordinate to the interests of the state, party or society as a whole. Fascists seek to forge a type of national unity. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: patriotism, nationalism, statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, corporatism, populism, collectivism, autocracy, and opposition to political and economic liberalism.

The primary figurehead of fascism in the 20th century was Benito Mussolini of Italy, head of the Italian Fascist Party. He eventually aligned his country with Adolf Hitler's Germany, which was ruled by the Nazi Party, a political movement that took many cues from Mussolini's fascism. This alliance became the core of the Axis, a political and military alliance, composed of countries that were governed on the fascist model.

While fascism was largely discredited by the late the 20th century, it began to make a comeback early in the 21st century, as a number of fascistic movements gained power in some countries, and made at least credible bids for power in others. While no government today openly admits to being fascist, actions can speak louder than words.

Literary comment[]

In a 2021 interview, Harry Turtledove unambiguously stated his views on fascism. "First and most important, I am not a fascist and hate everything that has anything to do with fascism with a fierce and deadly loathing."[1]

Fascism in "The Breaking of Nations"[]

Throughout the 2020s, the regimes of Presidents Donald Trump and Mike Pence saw the United States slide deeper into authoritarianism. By 2031, outsiders regarded the USA's government as fascistic in fact if not in name. The enlightened minds on the West Coast understood this too, leading to the creation of Pacifica.

Fascism in The Gladiator[]

In an alternate where communism encompassed the world, fascism joined capitalism as a historical bogeyman. Gianfranco Mazzilli and Annarita Crosetti were disturbed by the revelation that there were worlds where fascism had triumphed. They were also offended when Crosstimer Eduardo Caruso suggested that those alternates were "only slightly worse" than their own.[2]

Fascism in The Hot War[]

Fascism had largely been discredited by the time World War III broke out in 1951. In all of Europe, only Spain retained a government that was formally fascist, and Caudillo Francisco Franco kept his nation neutral throughout the war.

Nevertheless, armies on both sides of the war were stocked with personnel who had proudly supported the fascist governments of one Axis nation or another during World War II. Some still privately (or not so privately) yearned for a return to fascism, while others were content to serve their new communist overlords with equal zeal.

Government propaganda in Hungary maintained that former leader Miklos Horthy was a fascist. While this was provably untrue, those who knew better kept quiet.[3]

Fascism in In the Presence of Mine Enemies[]

Fascism and Nazism dominated most of the world after the Axis emerged victorious from the Second World War. Their vanquished enemies were conquered, and subsequently ruled by governments built on the Fascist or Nazi models.

However, after some decades, countries under the heel of Nazi Germany began pushing for reform. Britain's Union of Fascists led the way in 2010, with party chairman Charlie Lynton convincing the party to adopt democratic reforms (which in turn secured him the position of prime minister).

With the arrival of Führer Heinz Buckliger's reforms, Fascist governments across the continent began loosening their restrictions and slowly asserting their autonomy. With the failure of the 2011 Putsch, the world began turning slowly away from totalitarianism.

Fascism in "Ready for the Fatherland"[]

The Fascist Bloc was one of three great powers existing following the end of World War II, along with the Communist Bloc and the Anglo-American sphere of influence. Germany led the Fascist Bloc, whose member states included Italy and Croatia.

Fascism in Southern Victory[]

Literary Comment[]

While several political entities in the series are fascistic in nature (including the Freedom Party, the Silver Shirts, and Action Francaise), the word fascism appears to be unknown in-universe, as Benito Mussolini failed to achieve high office.

Fascist Parties of Note[]

