F.R. Durrett
Historical Figure
Nationality: United States (Confederate States, 1861-65)
Year of Birth: 1831
Year of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Surgeon
Parents: William Durrett,
Elizabeth Roberts
Military Branch: Confederate


Fictional Appearances:
Fort Pillow
Set in OTL
Type of Appearance: Contemporary references

Fountain R. Durrett (March 8, 1831 - ????) was the Second Missouri Cavalry (C.S.)'s surgeon. After the major fighting at Fort Pillow was done, Durrett and Lt. J.S. Hay (Col. Robert McCulloch's ordinance officer) found Hardy Revelle, a dry-goods merchant, and confiscated certain of his wares.

The fact that Revelle could subsequently remember Durrett and Hay's names saved him from being shot for pilfering.

Literary Comment[]

F.R. Durrett's recorded role in history appears limited to his time as surgeon for the Second Missouri Cavalry.
