Ett Brashli
Fictional Character
"Running of the Bulls"
POD: 65 million years ago (?)
Type of Appearance: Direct
Nationality: Dunlin
Species: Sentient descendant of a dinosaur
Occupation: Nobility

Lady Ett Brashli was a noblewoman from Dunlin. She left her home country for Ecnarf after a great global war. Lady Ett was a free-spirit, taking several paramours during her time in Sirap, the Ecnarfish capital, including Baek Jarns, an expatriate writer from Dubyook. However, as Jarns received an injury that rendered him incapable of sexual intercourse, their relationship did not last.

One day, Ett was in a restaurant called the Gilded Peasant with her most recent paramour, Kime Kelbam, a fellow Dunliner. They were joined by Jarns and Obert Ohn, another Dubyook expat. At Ett's insistence, the four decided to go to Amblona to see the running of the bulls.

While they initially began the trip together, both Ett and Ohn each slipped off and carried on a brief affair. For Ett, it was a mere dalliance. For Ohn, it was the beginning of a relationship. When the group arrived in Amblona, Ett paid almost no attention to Ohn, who grew increasingly angry and desperate. On the date of the running of the bulls, Ohn, in an effort to impress Ett, attempted to mount one of the bulls as he, Ett, Kime, and Jarns ran. Ohn missed and was trampled to death by a bull.

Ett wasn't very bothered by Ohn's death. The three foreigners were investigated by Captain Sargia, who ultimately concluded that Ohn's death was by misadventure, and released the three back to their holiday. The three retired to the hotel bar to drank. Jarns realized that a bullfighter named Moremo was at a nearby table with two of his fellow fighters. He also realized that Moremo and Lady Ett had noticed each other. He also resigned himself to the fact that when that possible affair went sour, he would likely be the one Ett turned to.

Literary Comment[]

Ett Brashli is based on Brett Ashley, a prominent character in The Sun Also Rises.
