Erich Bagge
Historical Figure
Nationality: Germany (born in Kingdom of Bavaria, German Empire)
Year of Birth: 1912
Year of Death: 1996
Cause of Death: Natural causes
Occupation: Physicist, Author of Non-Fiction, Educator
Fictional Appearances:
The Man With the Iron Heart
POD: May 29, 1942;
Relevant POD: May, 1945
Type of Appearance: Direct
Date of Death: 1947
Cause of Death: Murder by gunshot

Erich Rudolf Bagge (30 May 1912 – 5 June 1996), was a German scientist engaged in German Atomic Energy research and the German nuclear energy project during the Second World War. He developed a gaseous uranium enrichment device (Isotopenschleuse or isotope sluice) for enriching the U-235 isotope content of uranium in 1944. In 1945, he was one of several scientists captured by the Allied Forces at the end of the War. After he was released, Bagge went work at the University of Kiel.

Erich Bagge in The Man With the Iron Heart[]

Erich Bagge (1912-1947) was one of several scientists captured by the German Freedom Front in 1946.[1] It had been Reinhard Heydrich's hope that the scientists might build the GFF an atomic bomb. Karl Wirtz disabused Heydrich of that notion.[2]

Nonetheless, Bagge and his fellows were held in the underground Alpine Redoubt until 1947. When American forces arrived, Heydrich escaped, and ordered Bagge and several other scientists killed.[3]

Before the group's kidnapping, Bagge had been thinking about joining Werner Heisenberg and Otto Hahn at their old institute.[4]


  1. The Man With the Iron Heart, pg. 182.
  2. Ibid., pg. 228
  3. Ibid., pg. 467.
  4. Ibid., pg. 170.