Historical Figure
Nationality: Byzantine Empire
Year of Birth: 7th century
Year of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Princess
Parents: Justinian II and Eudokia
Fictional Appearances:
Set in OTL
Type of Appearance: Direct
Occupation: Nun

Epiphaneia was Justinian II's daughter from his first marriage, to Eudokia. Justinian felt the newborn was responsible for Eudokia's death at childbirth, and ignored his daughter for her entire childhood. Upon his return from exile, Justinian asked his mother if Epiphaneia, who he reckoned at being roughly seventeen, was wed yet or still alive; he had promised Tervel Bulgar khan her hand in marriage in exchange for his support of Justinian's cause. Finding out she had taken her vows at a monastery, Justinian made Tervel caesar of the Roman Empire.

Literary Comment[]

Little is known of Eudokia and her daughter in the historical record, other than the fact that the daughter's name was Anastasia, same as Justinian's mother.
