Karen and Mike Vaughan's marriage ended in a divorce. Karen had previously taken a course in law for non-lawyers and used the knowledge she had gained in that class to do their divorce herself.
Justin Kloster'sdivorce motivated him to build time-traveltechnology in 2018 and visit his 21-year-old self in 1999. He wanted to prevent his marriage to Megan Tricoupis from failing. Ironically, his meddling prevented his younger self from marrying Megan at all, but instead led to a much happier and lasting marriage to Lindsey Fletcher.
After his divorce, Ed Logan declared, "Man, the good ones are all taken." This little bit of wisdom came to be called "Logan's Law".[1] However, his friend, Steve Whortleberry, discovered that "Logan's Law" wasn't absolute.[2]
A Jewish-Americanwriter set out to tell a story, but instead contemplated his divorce from his first wife. His mind turned to how he and his first wife might have made the marriage work. He thought about the choices they each made, and then concluded that the marriage was doomed in the world as is/was, so he began a thought-experiment of rewriting history. However, as he mentally reached back in time, contemplating and discarding options, he realized that there was no period in which he could save the first marriage.[3]
In accordance with his desire for an heir, King Henry VIII made divorce permissible in the Protestant Church of England, but required the explicit authorization of the monarch. Consequently, divorce was all but impossible for ordinary people, as they would be unlikely ever to attract the monarch's attention.