Daniel Milles
Historical Figure
Nationality: England
Year of Birth: 1626
Year of Death: 1689
Cause of Death: Natural causes
Religion: Anglicanism
Occupation: Clergy
Spouse: Mary
Children: Two
Fictional Appearances:
A Different Flesh
POD: C. 2.5-1.3 million years ago;
Relevant POD: c. 1492
Appearance(s): "And So To Bed"
Type of Appearance: Direct

Daniel Milles (1626 - October 1689) was an Anglican clergyman, and friend of Samuel Pepys. He is mentioned frequently in the latter's diary.

Daniel Milles in A Different Flesh[]

On May 7, 1661, the Reverend Mr. Milles was Samuel Pepys' dinner guest. Pepys' domestic sims Tom and Peg chose that moment to proudly present the rats which they had killed for their own repast. Milles fainted, but was revived by Pepys with sweet wine.[1]


  1. See e.g. Kaleidoscope, pg. 3. mpp.