
Cycadia was a town in the old west. It had a spring that never failed so explorers, trappers and hornface herders used the spot long before the town developed. The cycads around the spring gave the town its name.

Cycadia was an overnight stop on the stagecoach route from Dodge City to Newtown. Rekek and Havv along with their passengers spent a night there when Rekek rode blunderbuss for Havv on one trip. Havv got a fresh team of four drosaws in the morning but had to sign some paperwork since one of the old team had gone lame and couldn't be switched out until it healed.[1]

Havv and Rekek had to take care of the drosaw team when they arrived so the hotel was full by the time they had finished and had to sleep in blankets on tables. The two took revenge on the passengers by banging on their doors to wake them at sunrise, a daytenth before the scheduled time of departure. Some passengers cussed them but they didn't care and let the insults roll of them like water off of scales.


  1. Straight Outta Dodge City, pgs. 74-75.