Cosimo III of Italy
Fictional Character
Through Darkest Europe
1st POD: c. 1100 CE
2nd POD c. 1265 CE
Type of Appearance: Direct
Nationality: Grand Duchy of Italy
Religion: Catholicism
Date of Birth: c. 1965
Date of Death: 2018
Cause of Death: Killed by a bomb
Children: Lorenzo, Giuseppe
Political Office(s): Grand Duke of Italy

Cosimo III succeeded to the throne of the Grand Duchy of Italy in the early 1990s. A forward-thinking man, Cosimo spent the next quarter-century modernizing his nation and keeping the radical Aquinists in check. While Cosimo was comparatively progressive man for a European ruler, he was still a strongman and absolute ruler. For example, Cosimo's palace was adorned with frescos and art that gave as much glory to Cosimo as it did to God, despite the fact that Cosimo was a Catholic. He was also suspicious of the Muslim world, and maintained the anti-Semitic beliefs of his co-religionists.[1]

In 2018, with the Aquinists growing bolder and more dangerous, Cosimo asked for help from the Republican Sultanate of the Maghrib. Two agents, Khalid al-Zarzisi (a Muslim) and Dawud ibn Musa (a Jew), arrived in in Rome.[2] They met with representatives of the Italian Ministry of Intelligence,.[3] and then with Corrector Domenico Pacelli of the Aquinas Seminary.[4] Finally, Cosimo agreed to meet with the Maghribis during an entertainment he was hosting. They discussed the Maghribis' visit with Corrector Pacelli. While they quickly realized Cosimo fully understood the Aquinist threat, his ego and his barely concealed anti-Semitism grated on them.[5]

Cosimo was killed a few minutes later when an Aquinist devotee named Maria Conti infiltrated the entertainment disguised as a serving girl. When Cosimo complimented the looks of this new employee, his administrative assistant, Annarita Pezzola, realized they hadn't hired anyone new. She and Khalid al-Zarzisi tried to warn Cosimo, but Conti detonated a bomb, killing herself, Cosimo, and others nearby.[6]

Cosimo was succeeded by his son, Lorenzo III.[7] Lorenzo had Corrector Pacelli arrested immediately,[8] and ordered a state funeral for his father, which led to another round of violence.[9]


  1. Through Darkest Europe pgs. 66-72, loc. 912-999.
  2. Ibid, loc. 25-102.
  3. Ibid., pg. 24-30, loc. 123-345.
  4. Ibid., pg. 49-53, loc. 654-721.
  5. Ibid. pgs. 66-72, loc. 912-999.
  6. Ibid., pg. 72-76, loc. 999-1067.
  7. Ibid., pg. 82, loc. 1154
  8. Ibid. pg. 84, loc. 1184.
  9. Ibid., pg. 86-97, loc. 1213-1394.
Royal offices
(Fictional Work)
Preceded by
Grand Duke of Italy
(Through Darkest Europe)

c. 1993-2018
Succeeded by
Lorenzo III